Sunday, March 25, 2012

Knox County Jail ministry

Last night at Knox County Jail went well as Mark went in for the Saturday night worship service. Justin Humes went in also, fresh off the road returning from North Carolina just 19 hours earlier. Justin shared from the book of Judges chapter 16, about the life of Samson with the first group of 6 men. I then shared my testimony with this group. As often happens, the group was a mixed bag of those looking to learn from God's Word and worship together, and also of the jokesters who want to get out of their cells and see friends. This first group was such a group, with a young man bragging a lot about what he did while under the influence of "bath salts", glorying in his sin and hoping to distract the rest of the group. After the meeting, this young man seemed more calm and spoke of his family and how he wished he had not hurt his family through his sin.

Samson's strength was from God, but his sinful desires to lay with the women of the enemy brought him much pain. Samson didn't seem to learn from the first, second, or even third times that Delilah tricked him and bound him, supposing to deliver him for money's sake to his enemies. I spoke with this young man about how sin is bondage to us, but that freedom comes only in Christ. Justin followed this up with a few verses from John's Gospel chapter 8. 

For the second group, Justin spoke on Joshua 7 and the sin of Achan after God delivered Jericho for Joshua. The sin of Achan, taking forbidden goods that God had banned and hiding them after this battle, cost his family their lives along with 36 men who died at Ai. Achan's sin of coveting, lying, and then hiding the evidence (God knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts) effected the whole nation with fear as they lost their trust in God and trusted the wisdom of man in the next battle. The people convinced Joshua that Ai was so small they could win the city with their own power, and so they sent just 3,000 men in man's wisdom and were defeated. 

While it is sobering to consider the defeat of God's people and the shame that was brought to the name of Israel at that time, it is beautiful to consider that once they did what was right before God and purged the sin from the camp, God then delivered Ai into their hands and gave the victory as promised. This time, they did things God's way instead of relying on the strength of man.

The second group had 3 men who were very attentive, short timers who seemed very blessed by the Word of God. This opportunity to preach God's Word, share the Gospel, and serve the Lord is a great blessing to me and I thank the Lord for allowing me to see all He is doing in Knox County Jail. 

Please pray for all those who hear God's Word through study times, personal visits, worship services, and so much more that the Lord is using to souls to Christ at KCJ. Many minister week in and week out with no fanfare in the jails and prisons all over the world. These love and care for the souls of men and women who are incarcerated for any of a thousand reasons. I thank God that He saved me and now uses me in some small way to bless the lives of others and proclaim His Gospel in this way. 

Mark Cowperthwaite

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Biblical Patriarchy- responsibility for the father/patriarch

I found this article online recently and wanted responses from folks. This is in relation to the recent discussion on men standing up to the call of God to be spiritual leaders. I believe the author wished to remain anonymous, but I felt the content was important enough to share. I know the last article ruffled a few feathers, but again I wish to stress that what we are considering is the responsibility of men in the spiritual realm. We are not attacking women for any reason, but hoping to encourage and help them. Our goal is to see the family live up to what God planned in all things, for His glory. ~ Mark Cowperthwaite

The Patriarch's Teaching Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the patriarch to teach his family the Scriptures. No one else has been given this responsibility. It is a responsibility that he cannot delegate to others. He is the divinely appointed head of the home, and he alone is responsible for the spiritual welfare of those under his headship. This is a God-given responsibility that cannot be surrendered to anyone. This is a serious matter before God.

This, by the way, relates directly to the truth of "the church in thy house." A home, with extended family and guests, led in ministry by the head of that home - the husband and father. As a general principle, other family men may from time to time be there - ideally on a temporary learning basis, until they too can or will learn to take on their own God-given family responsibility. The primary teaching place is home. That is the standard of Scripture.

"And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4).

"The father to the children shall make known Thy truth" (Isaiah 38:19b).

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).

"And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up" (Deuteronomy 6:7).

"And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home" (I Corinthians 14:35).

James Wesley Stivers (Restoring the Foundations) writes concerning the truth of these verses:

"Can a pastor do this for your family? Can your child's Sunday School teacher? No. It is impossible. What God is describing in this text is a live-in spiritual tutor. One must live with the person he is discipling [training]. Jesus lived with His twelve disciples for three years. They ate and slept in His presence. All this talk about church discipleship is fantasy. So is the concept of home cell groups. These are phony substitutes.

"There seems to be something lost in a relationship between a parent and a child, if it is the decision of the parent to commission a third party to provide biblical instruction and spiritual nurture to the child in his stead. I argue that it is a dereliction of duty. Parents are to disciple their children. It is an immutable part of the vocation of parenthood.

"We naturally suppose that the 'institutional church' is the primary agent in proclaiming the Gospel and teaching the Word of God. That is the primary role assigned to the 'church' in our day. But it has not always been so. In early America, as it was in the earliest church, the Christian home was the spiritual center.

"It is impossible to provide the basis for Christian character and spiritual experience in one or two hours a week. Constant contact with a Christian leader is necessary. That is why the 'discipleship movement' was so popular in recent years. It recognized the inadequacy of the 'institutional church' to provide even the basic spiritual foundations in a persons life.

"Some people believe, as I was prone at one time, that if one wishes to do anything for God, one must do it within the confines of the 'church' apparatus that God's work is done primarily at 'church.' Actually, the family is the chief agent for the passing-on of the Christian faith from generation to generation.

"Even the work of evangelism, once thought to be the principle purpose of the pulpit preacher, is better done through the home. The most effective evangelist, as many men and women with tender emotion admit, is that of a godly mother or father. Better than three-fourths of all conversions come through the work of family and friends.

"It is a personal faith which must be transmitted, not an abstract and institutional one."

Monday, March 19, 2012

Wanted: Men of Honor to fulfill James 1:27

‎"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: 
to visit orphans and widows in their trouble." ~ James 1:27

How do you think we can best live out this verse (and its context) within the church with our sisters in Christ and the fatherless children? I know that words are not enough, rather actions will ultimately show our true heart. I can not say "Be warmed and filled" or expect a woman to adequately fulfill the role of mother and father to their children, especially  when I have the ability to do more than speak, but act. God has granted me a wonderful wife who helps me see the needs of others, who sacrifices herself for the sake of others. I am so blessed! 

What of those multitudes of children in our churches who are fatherless due to "deadbeat dad syndrome"? Are they our "orphans" too? I believe they are as the word more commonly used in other passages is actually "fatherless" and I am ready to do my part to help. Are these children supposed to pay for their mother's or father's past sins? Should the past promiscuity of a woman who has now come to Christ continue to keep her outside the protection and leadership of a godly man in marriage? Will men stand up and seek to help our sisters even though it is a difficult task? Will a brave man among us stand up and marry a single mother and help raise her children as his own with love and integrity?

Do single mothers recognize that raising children on their own, while necessary at times, is not usually the best thing for their children? Do we see the God given call of men to lovingly lead and nurture women and children in the grace of God in Christ? Men of God, rise up and be counted, love and protect your sisters in gentleness and purity. Women of faith, will you submit to the leadership of a godly man as to Christ Himself? Do you think there are no such men in the church? I believe there are such men, though many don't see the immense need!

My heart is burdened tonight, and Sara and I have a passionate desire to help ease the burdens of our sisters in Christ who labor night and day to make a living and raise children by themselves, and we pray that God will make clear His will for what we can do as we are not satisfied to merely talk. We would like to help, but don't know where to start. We encourage unmarried ladies also to consider marrying a man with a child, as this is how our family began. My first marriage ended in divorce, and I was a single father for 5 years. Sara had the courage to step into our lives and become the mother my son needed, and God has blessed us with 4 more children since. We see the blessings of the Lord that come from this selfless sacrifice, and you know what? It doesn't feel like sacrifice when you realize the love of a child, the bonds of family, and how good it feels to obey our Father's commands.

Please feel free to email us if you are involved in or interested in such a ministry. Our desire is to glorify our Savior by living out the love He has given to us for sharing. I believe this is a critical part of loving our neighbor as ourselves. Thanks for listening, we appreciate your insights and prayer. Confidential emails will be kept private, so please let us know if you would like us to share your suggestions with others. 

Mark and Sara Cowperthwaite

Friday, March 16, 2012

Cowperthwaite family: Get out of the boat, NOW!

This post shares a bit of my thoughts on the book "Heavenly Man" and I find it good to look back on what the Lord has taught me over the years. I am amazed at how God has proven Himself faithful over the years, He is so patient with us, and I love Him more today than when I wrote this 4 years ago.

Cowperthwaite family: Get out of the boat, NOW!: I wrote this Feb 18,2008. The past year or so has been great in learning more about the Lord's will for our lives. It is amazing to look ba... Read more

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Secular Humanism is a religion too

I wish to state that I am generally apolitical. I don't often vote, and I don't follow who is running for whatever office. Others do vote and are actively involved in politics. Both positions are, from my estimation, in accordance with God's Word. I see no mandate to be involved or to refrain from these things.

Reading about a lost boy (who was recently found, praise God) in the local newspaper, I saw this article also, and decided to read it.  I don't recommend Mr. Faircloth's book, (which has a foreword by Richard Dawkins) but included this link so you can see how this man thinks. In this article, Sean Faircloth seems to really have a chip on his shoulder regarding religious beliefs in general. My comments are in the comment section at the end of the article. 

From the article is this list of perceived terrible effects of religion in the United States:
"Religious bias in government is widespread:
• Sex education for our youth replaced by religious propaganda.
• Stem cell research is thwarted by religion.
• The religious right bias holds sway in the military.
• A religious bias can be found in children’s laws (in faith-healing, child care, vaccination, corporal punishment).
• “Faith-based initiatives” discriminate with tax money and vouchers funding schools discriminate with tax money.
• Government funds for Boy Scouts discriminate against gay people and the nonreligious. (Girl Scouts don’t discriminate).
• A religious bias in public schools and textbooks and in impeding end-of-life autonomy."

I am at a loss for words when I consider how much anger and bitterness this man seems to have for anything religious. I feel sorry for someone who is so blind to the light of God and ask you to pray for folks like this when we see them or read this type of thing. The Gospel is so simple and precious, yet those who are dead in their sin will never see it unless the Holy Spirit opens their eyes. I am reminded of Paul's epistle to Timothy, urging him to pray for those in authority. Surely we need it!

Ray Comfort did a great job unearthing the motives of Adolf Hitler in his book "Hitler, God, and the Bible" which shows the magnitude of what can happen when we follow evolutionary and humanistic thinking to its logical conclusion. Get the book here. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Baby News!

Some families choose not to find out the gender of their baby during pregnancy, others use the modern technologies available to find out. Our family is not terrible patient and we love to share good news. With all that in mind, Sara had her 20 week ultrasound (actually 19 weeks) yesterday and we found out we are expecting a boy. Yes, just one from all we can tell. Sara is finally "showing" in mid pregnancy, and is happy that people ask her if she is pregnant. You see, until she was pregnant with Samuel, nobody had asked, as she is so tall that babies tend to hide in all the vertical room available.

We gathered around the ultrasound room to find the verdict with the other 4 children, and realized again that the technology we take for granted in this day and age is truly amazing. More amazing still is the fact that God can open the womb and bless the union of a man and his wife with a child. We understand the biological process of this, but how God creates a human being with thoughts, a soul, and a functioning body inside a mother's womb is still amazing to me. It causes us to worship God even more, to understand His creative nature and love for His people. I am brought again to bow low before the Lord of glory that He would trust us with another child to raise for His glory. This is both a great privilege and responsibility, and we appreciate your prayers for us as we seek to do all things for the glory of Him who made us.

Mark and Sara
Nathaniel, Virginia, Naomi, Samuel, and "baby boy" Cowperthwaite

Monday, March 12, 2012

Another large Christian family is on the air

Gil and Kelly Bates from Lake City, Tennessee have not been strangers to the public eye. With 19 children, surely any family this large would be noticed. Add in a longstanding friendship with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and you have a TV show waiting to happen. This article from ABC news seems to do well at showing the true nature of this exceptional Christian family, their desire to please God and glorify Him more than to make money or be famous, and the gratitude to the Lord for the blessing of children.

The new show will premiere tomorrow night, Tuesday March 13, 2012 on TLC. There will follow eight 30 minute episodes this summer chronicling the life and ministry of the Bates family. With strong Christian family values and an example of raising godly children, I look forward to learning more about this family. With the recent premiere of such filthy shows that blaspheme Christ and show only the hypocritical side of religion such as GCB on ABC, it is good to see this family also getting an opportunity to share their lives and faith with Americans.

I was especially happy that the family seems to have avoided much of the perversion of our culture, which was noted in this interview excerpt:
"Their kids are home schooled by Kelly with a big dose of Bible study. They dress modestly (long shirts, no pants for the girls. No shorts for the boys). They aren’t allowed to watch regular TV. Their idea of a good show is a 1950′s character study like “Roy Rogers”.

I asked Lawson, the square-jawed, clean cut second son if he’d ever heard of Snooki — the crass, hard-partying star of “Jersey Shore”? and he looked at me and said sincerely, “is that a dog’?”

“How about Kim Kardashian, ever heard of her?” I asked. “Uh,” you could see him racking his brain and then replied trying to be nice, “uh, No.”

Welcome to the show, Bates family. We hope to see you use your influence for God's glory. We have no doubt that is what your plan is also. Read the whole article here

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The unborn baby's mind

Our friend David Crossman wrote this beautiful song about Michael, Susan, and Ryan- three unborn babies as they speak about their situation and when their parents decided to abort them. This thought provoking song is not meant to condemn those who have aborted their children, but to show the gravity of the situation.

We cannot change the past, but we can together change the future. To save just one life from abortion will be worth it all, and to see that child grow up and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior would be worth immeasurably more.

Learn more about abortion and the devastation it has caused across the world at be sure to watch the 33 minute movie free on Youtube. It might just change the way you view the world. You too might do a "180" and want to help protect the lives of unborn babies.

Download "Michael" free or listen online here

"Michael" by David Crossman

I would have been Michael if I'd lived, if I'd had the chance
I would have been Michael but I didn't fit into your plans
And God only knows how you justified
and God only hears when an unborn baby dies
and God only knows how you sleep at night
and God only knows...
God only knows

I would have been Susan if I'd lived, I'd have loved to dance
I would have been Susan, but you said I'd never have the chance
and God only knows how safe I felt inside
and God only knows how painful was the knife
and God only knows...
God only knows

I would have been Ryan you'd have loved me if  you'd let me live
I would have been Ryan you'll never know the love I had to give
and God only knows how much I trusted you
and God only knows whatever made you do it
and God only knows
God always knows

I would have been your child. What might have been no one else can say
I would have been your child. Somehow we'd have made ourselves a way
It might have been hard, but God only knows
It might have been good, but God only knows
It might have been.....
But God only knows. 

David Crossman is an accomplished author, musician, singer, songwriter and a man of God who loves his dear wife and children with the love of Christ Jesus his Savior. We were  blessed years ago to be able to sing and lead singing at FBC Waldoboro with David and many other wonderful Christians. The times in their home were always a tremendous blessing to us, and we miss them dearly.

Mark and Sara

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Diversity, mercy, and non-essentials

I found this video this morning and thought it appropriate to share. God has shown us so much in our experiences as we have traveled across the country, and plenty right here at home. Some churches lack diversity of race, while others reject those outside a certain income bracket or preferential acceptance. I was told recently that you cannot build a local church with only poor people, while I have also seen that a church in some areas of our land would welcome those of different skin colors in their midst, yet a black woman would never bring her children to "that white church" who would love to welcome any child of God into their fold. The suppositions and cultural barriers can be broken down, but it will not happen if we remain silent.

We have learned that there is much of God's Word that is very clear, while other portions seem to have a diversity of possible interpretations. While some essential doctrines such as the deity of Christ and the means of salvation are clearly spelled out, still some would pervert God's Word to make salvation a human accomplishment prepared by our works. Some have great convictions before the Lord that they must practice, and then impose these convictions on others without mercy. Sadly, I count myself in that group at times and for that I ask forgiveness. I often fail, and I thank those who have lovingly corrected me seeking restoration rather than wagging the finger back and ruining relationships over misunderstandings. The body of Christ is to be united, yet it seems to be at war so often.

In the course of our experience we have seen white churches, black churches, and socially diverse churches. We have seen poor churches, rich churches, and economically diverse churches. We currently live in a state with almost no racial diversity, and so the churches do not seem on first appearance to be ethnically diverse, yet these would welcome any to come who are called by the name of Jesus Christ. This video may be more appropriate in content with specific cultures and regions, yet it sparked within me a desire to see like Christ sees.

In recent days, we have seen that our culture rejects many Biblical traditions, and even some Biblical commands. Many churches are equally guilty of judging without knowledge and forcing people to take sides in non-essentials. Many churches will argue over the color of the carpet in a meeting hall while others sit around a fireplace in a home that barely fits the occupants in seats at all, with the children spilled out on the floor while they sing and praise the Lord in truth. There are also some that have ornate buildings designated for gatherings of Christians who have the same experience of true worship , while there could be dead tradition even in the home church. The truth will not be found in the surroundings, the background of those gathered, of racial or economical lines, but in the hearts of the worshipers who have been called out from the world for a time in order to worship, pray, have fellowship, to teach and be taught the Word of God. These will reenter the world after a time to reach out with love and mercy, saving others from the fire of God's judgment, in compassion wishing to show the love of Christ rather than the judgment of man.

The traditions of men have no place in the church of God, nor does the fear of following God alone no matter the consequence. Many have been persecuted for their faith and practice of God's Word while others have been cast aside from the fellowship of Christians just for having an opinion. This is not how Christ desires His Bride to be. His heart is hurting when He looks down on His divided Bride, the disjointed body in which the hand says to the foot "I have no need of you" and so the body of Christ is often failing to accomplish all the Father prepared for it to do. Will we walk away from our own ideas and suppositions, preferences and comfort zones, to follow Christ, or will we make our own ways higher than His ways?

Brothers and sisters, pray for us. Pray for wisdom and guidance as we seek to do His will outside denominational boundaries. May we act and speak what we say we believe.