Thursday, March 15, 2012

Secular Humanism is a religion too

I wish to state that I am generally apolitical. I don't often vote, and I don't follow who is running for whatever office. Others do vote and are actively involved in politics. Both positions are, from my estimation, in accordance with God's Word. I see no mandate to be involved or to refrain from these things.

Reading about a lost boy (who was recently found, praise God) in the local newspaper, I saw this article also, and decided to read it.  I don't recommend Mr. Faircloth's book, (which has a foreword by Richard Dawkins) but included this link so you can see how this man thinks. In this article, Sean Faircloth seems to really have a chip on his shoulder regarding religious beliefs in general. My comments are in the comment section at the end of the article. 

From the article is this list of perceived terrible effects of religion in the United States:
"Religious bias in government is widespread:
• Sex education for our youth replaced by religious propaganda.
• Stem cell research is thwarted by religion.
• The religious right bias holds sway in the military.
• A religious bias can be found in children’s laws (in faith-healing, child care, vaccination, corporal punishment).
• “Faith-based initiatives” discriminate with tax money and vouchers funding schools discriminate with tax money.
• Government funds for Boy Scouts discriminate against gay people and the nonreligious. (Girl Scouts don’t discriminate).
• A religious bias in public schools and textbooks and in impeding end-of-life autonomy."

I am at a loss for words when I consider how much anger and bitterness this man seems to have for anything religious. I feel sorry for someone who is so blind to the light of God and ask you to pray for folks like this when we see them or read this type of thing. The Gospel is so simple and precious, yet those who are dead in their sin will never see it unless the Holy Spirit opens their eyes. I am reminded of Paul's epistle to Timothy, urging him to pray for those in authority. Surely we need it!

Ray Comfort did a great job unearthing the motives of Adolf Hitler in his book "Hitler, God, and the Bible" which shows the magnitude of what can happen when we follow evolutionary and humanistic thinking to its logical conclusion. Get the book here.