Saturday, December 31, 2011

Evangelism Saturday- 180 movie resources

We think the "180 movie" produced by Ray Comfort and Living Waters is a great tool for sharing the Gospel and dealing with moral relativism. The parallels between Hitler's Germany and abortion are astounding. Since the movie is approaching 2,000,000 views on Youtube, we thought it good to spotlight some related resources for evangelism. You can buy tracts, stickers, and DVD copies of the 180 movie at the Living Waters site 
Buy more than 10 DVDs for just $1 per DVD and give them out. Share the link via business cards, email, Facebook, and more and people can watch free online. This is one of the easiest ways to promote a life honoring, Christ glorifying Gospel message that has the capability of changing our culture completely. The main goal of this film is not to stop abortion or change laws, but to drive people to the truth of God's Word and salvation through Jesus Christ. You can read my previous review on the movie here, but we wanted to share the associated resources today and encourage you to start the new year with proclaiming the Gospel at the front of your mind and actions.