Friday, June 4, 2010

Good News Kansas updates

For those not on Facebook, you can read daily updates on our family website. We are posting daily updates during this time, and you can subscribe to the page updates to get updates automatically. If you would like to read all the updates, just check out the linked page and click "view more" at the bottom to read them all.

We are so excited to see what the Lord is doing here. The message of the Gospel is going  out to  many folks, and the response has been exceptional. The  door  to door work  and our presence in town has started many conversations. Many churches and individual  Christians have contacted us to encourage us, and to relay their own stories of how they have prayed  for revival in this city. We believe the Lord's timing is now, and we will do all we can, by God's leading to be vessels set apart for His use in this way.

Honestly, we don't have a ton of time to write,  so I will make this short. God is blessing, people are united in Christ, with a passion for the Lord and for reaching the souls Jesus came to save. We ask that you partner with us in prayer, that God  will  be glorified, that whatever He chooses to do here  will  not be attributed to power of man, but only to God. We can do nothing in  our own strength and rely on the Lord for everything. He is worthy of our lives, our time, our labor, everything. We are so happy and blessed to be able to be part of what God is doing, and encourage everyone to be a part, whether here  in Kansas, or from the privacy of your prayer time before the Lord.

Please  pray specifically that God would  bind Satan, that the cults that are out with lies about God, and steering people away from the truth would be frustrated. Pray that the people who receive literature and visits from the cults will be blinded to their false teaching.

Pray that the eyes of the blind would be open to  the truth of God's Word, letting it penetrate their hearts, being convicted of sin, and led to seek the only One  that holds the answers they need. We have seen new and constant efforts from the so called "Jehovah's Witnesses" and we pray that even those teaching their false doctrine would see the light of God's Word, and the truth of salvation by grace, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Seeing their fervency and dedication, I often think what  powerful allies these would be if only they had the truth. For now, they make themselves enemies with God. Still, God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. We plead before the Lord to open the eyes of these deceived ones. We boldly proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.We have the truth of the true and living God, how much more dedicated and fervent ought we to be than those preaching lies?

Please pray with us. We want to see Jesus' name lifted up, to see a true and genuine work of the Holy Spirit in this city. We pray for the salt and light to go forth, to be so evident that all will see God's glorious salvation offered to men, and that they would taste and see the goodness of the  Lord. Pray for us, and pray for all those we come in contact with.

Because of Christ and for His glory,