Friday, January 11, 2008

A semi normal day ahead

With all that has gone on around here the last few days, I have been way behind. We are reading through the Bible in 90 days, and were plugging away just fine until Tuesday. We have missed out on reading, and I blame myself for not making it the highest priority. I have been able to get into the Word daily, but not keep schedule with our reading.
With the new kids, who have never been exposed to any idea of God, the talks with them have been interesting, to say the least. They are going to do their best to avoid going to church with us, but if they are going to live in this house, they will do what we do. Today is the first day they all went to school. We have our regular Friday schedule after that. School work, chores, lunch, playgroup. That is what we used to consider a very full day. With 2 trips to school daily for Sara, the schedule is getting full fast.
On top of it all, our rooster has lost his mind. He thought it was a good idea to come flying at me the other night in the coop. I was going to get eggs and he didn't want me in the box, I guess. he came flying and grabbed my shirt. I grabbed him by the throat and reminded him who was the king of the roost. He is getting pretty big, probably make a nice Sunday dinner if he isn't careful.
Continue to pray for our family as we adjust to all the new things going on, and pray that we keep the Lord at the forefront of our lives. We press on each day knowing that we are doing what God would have us do. We hope to be able to help children come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, day in and day out. Sometimes we hit a bump in the road, but we must maintain the course. If the worst persecution we have to endure is kids who don't want to go to church, we have it pretty easy. Paul and Silas would be singing at a time like this, and our family loves music, so we will be trying to follow their lead as we go.
