I never tire of the sound of Virginia reading the Scriptures aloud. Every night before bed, she reads 3 chapters, always out loud. In one room, Sara and the littles are listening to Scripture songs as they head off to sleep. In the other room, a few more listen to a sermon about the God of creation and His powerful, wise, and awesome plans. Virginia reads the Scriptures as I sit and type.
As we prayed together tonight, we thanked the Lord for the opportunity to preach the Gospel, to disciple our children, to love our enemies (thanks for the challenge Todd Caverly) and to glory in the Lord we adore. In the face of seizures and vomiting, morning (all day) sickness, back pain and neurological dysfunction, we choose to fix our eyes and our hearts instead on the eternal, that which truly matters.
We entrust ourselves to Him who never fails, who loves and leads His children every step of every day, knowing that in all things He is working to get glory for Himself, things He prepared before time began that we might see His glory and wisdom, to marvel and wonder, to worship and adore our King, our Father, our Creator and Lord.