You know that feeling you get when your little girl's heart yearns to minister to others but you are unable to do anything? I have them all too often lately. These are moments when you must rely on the Lord for wisdom, strength, and healing. With sickness in the house and Daddy's neurological problems making it unwise for me to drive long distances alone, we won't be able to make it to Planned Parenthood today to preach the Gospel and plead for the lives of the unborn.
How long will our nation continue in opposition to the Author of life? How long must we battle just to see babies allowed to live rather than being murdered by their own parents? How long will our King tarry? Until the last of His elect have called upon Him in repentance and faith for salvation. Until that day, the wicked will continue to slaughter the innocent, to persecute the righteous, and to rebel against their Creator.
Instead of driving to Portland, we will be in our home, fervently praying to the God who intervenes in hearts and lives for His glory. The lessons God is teaching us as we parent a young woman are at times heartbreaking, but always beneficial in the long run. The things we have taught our children to yearn for are not fashions, entertainment, nor earthly fame, but to know and be known by the only One whose opinion matters. His strength is made perfect in weakness, whether or not I understand or see how. I must continue to "hand over the keys" to Him who controls all things. I must also discern when weakness can be overcome and faith must be believing enough to act no matter the circumstances.
It is no wonder God has us walking through Proverbs this year, as the more I serve Him, the more I see and feel my weakness and lack of wisdom. In all things, I must walk by faith in obedience. How does one deal with the broken heart? Take the broken pieces to the Great Physician that it might be healed. It is only in brokenness that we are fully molded into the image of Christ, in whose name we pray, our Advocate before the Father, the great High Priest who ever lives to make intercession between us and our God.
I pray for healing that I might serve the Lord I adore more fully, and I long to be there more than I can express, but here I sit in a body that at times seems broken and useless. Maybe this post will help others who struggle with similar issues. Maybe I just need to get it off my chest. Maybe my inability to speak coherently this morning causes me to speak my mind more clearly through the written word. Brethren, pray for us. We are praying for you!