April 27, 2009
The last two months have been a great reminder to God's providence. Our family has been through so much, yet God is faithful to give us grace and strength through everything. The first weeks spent in anticipation of our son's birth, with many new friends and the Gospel being shared, time seemed to fly by.
When Joshua was born, and then through our loss, we realized anew God's mercies. (Lamentations 3:22-24) Sara and I, along with our children, were not broken by this trial, but instead refreshed in God's lovingkindness. He picked us up and held us close, as we know He is now doing with our son Joshua. We saw the love of the brethren here, with many expressions of Christians love through cards, meals, and gifts. God's people, who are called by His name, are a bright and shining example of what can be accomplished by the love of God expressed through His people.
God has showered us with His love and care each day. I think we all would agree that the Lord is just beginning His work in our lives. We are on a journey that broadens its perspective each day, and brings new trials to conquer through faith. I am sometimes tempted to be content with my walk with the Lord, feeling like I have completed the task, and then I am reminded of where we were just a few months ago, and how I still have to go.(Phil 3:14)
When we first decided to step out into full time work, it was a big stretch of our faith. Yet God was faithful to not give us more than we could bear. He brought us our daily bread, and showed us His will for our lives as we reached out desiring His will more than our own. This is not done by the flesh, nor have we always done everything right, but the Lord knows our hearts, and has allowed us to serve Him in this way.
My prayer is that we are counted faithful, and that in another 6 months that we will not recognize ourselves, that we continue day by day to be conformed more into the image of His son Jesus.(Rom 12:2) May we all stimulate one another to love and good deeds, desiring His will more than our own. I was thinking the other day as a brother asked us about giving up our dreams for God's work.
We told our brother that we didn't consider ourselves to have given up anything. Sure, I would love a farm, animals, and a nice comfortable home. If that is what God wants from me and for me, then that is what I want. However, that is not the case for our family. Our calling is to do His will, to make our desires line up with His. (Matthew 6:10)
We should be about our Father's business, a task more easily said than done, and one that we still fail more often than is pleasing to our Master. Yet, the Lord faithfully chastens us(Hebrews 12:6), calling us closer even when we fail, desiring that we not live in past defeat but instead to look to today and what can be done for Him looking forward.
We struggle just like anyone, with different struggles maybe, but the same issues. Yet, all who are called by the name of Christ need not struggle for long. We rest in the freedom of Christ, dying daily to ourselves and living by faith, seeking the Spirit's guidance. It is a race never won until the end of our time, yet a goal to strive for until we reach that heavenly shore.
This journey, while seemingly long at times, is but a glimpse into eternity. In heaven, we will no longer struggle with sin, death, or pain. We will see the fruit of our service, and look into our Savior's face, never again to displease Him. May we walk each day, by His strength, as if this were our last day on this earth. It may very well be today. I am reminded that I must live today as if it were the last.
As I look at the work here, of the faithful saints that desire to be His witnesses, to shepherd His flock, and to serve their Master in so many ways, I am humbled. I see that the high profile that some give to the work of the evangelist is wrong. We are no different than the teacher, those faithful in hospitality, those who give, those who do all the silent jobs in the background, never desiring man's praise but God's. We are privileged to preach the Gospel every day and to be used to help equip the saints, but it is no work of our hands, but the Potter's hands. He has given gifts to all His people, and if the whole body an eye, where would the hearing be? There are many gifts, and some more visible, but none more important. They all just point to the head, Christ Jesus our Lord. He alone is worthy of praise, honor, glory, and majesty.
I could talk forever about the people we have met, the ways we have seen the Lord at work, but it all comes down to the fact that Jesus Christ is alive and at work in the hearts of His people. The church, whether in Southern California, Maine, or China, all are united under His banner. We anxiously await our next stop, and those following, until we finally reach our home, to be with our wonderful Savior for eternity.
God is looking down, searching the earth, His eyes never ceasing to oversee His flock, the great Shepherd guiding His sheep. Psalm 23 has taken new meaning to me recently. I see His loving, protective hand, how the Lord leads us to living water, and pastures green with food. All we have to do is follow Him, and He never leads us astray. May we continue to follow wherever He leads.
Once again, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has hosted us, fed us, supported us financially, and helped us in the work of preaching the Gospel and equipping the saints. The work here could not have gone on without the support of those faithful servants, those willing to listen to God's calling in their lives to go, to give, and to pray. There are too many to name, but you know who you are. The encouraging emails, phone calls, visits, and times in ministry together have made this trip phenomenal. God has blessed time and again.
I know there are many that will continue the work to reach the lost with the Good News. I pray that their passion for reaching the lost is infective, until all God's children see the need to tell every creature about Jesus. I remember the phrase that Justin has used so often "Evangelism is not something you do, it is who you are" Those who are reconciled to God are all able and accountable as witnesses of the joy of our salvation. 2 Cor. 5:16-21. I pray that each person that receives this note continues to walk "in His steps" That is our prayer, that we don't rely on our own reasoning or our plans, but daily walk how our Lord desires.
Just a sheep in His flock,
Mark for the Cowperthwaites
Mark for the Cowperthwaites