Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Weekly meetings in our home/ schedule

We recently created this event on Facebook and wanted to share it with our blog readers, too.


We have been doing some door to door Gospel outreach on Cudjoe Key. Through this we have met lots of folks that live nearby who we would like to get to know better.

We want to meet each week to visit, pray together, sing, and share with each other what God is doing in our lives, or whatever else God leads us to do. This is not a formal church meeting, but just opening our home and welcoming others in. We are taking our cue from the Scripture below.

"Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved." Acts 2:46,47 NASB

We hope that those who would not necessarily come to a church building would use this as a time to ask questions without all the pressure that comes from meeting in a church building. We are also available for individual meetings if you have questions you would rather ask in a private setting.

We believe God wants His people to get together for encouragement, edification, prayer, and more. I think this transcends church boundaries and denominations. We want to see the body of Christ working together in every town, every neighborhood, maybe every home. We hope you will join us whether you can stay the whole time or just drop in to say "Hi"

If you live too far away to join us, we would encourage you to open your home to do the same thing, or pray about it and see what God would have you to do to reach your neighbors and enjoy fellowship with Christians near your home.

Our current regular weekly schedule includes the following:

Sunday mornings at the Gospel Chapel in Key West
Sunday Evenings at First Baptist church on Big Pine Key
Tuesday evenings at our home
Wednesday afternoon study in Key West and prayer meeting that night at the chapel.
Saturdays we have men's meetings at the chapel.

During the week, we do door to door outreach, meet with folks as needed or available, and of course home school our four blessings (children) and we even find time to fish once in a while!

Mark will be preaching at First Baptist Church on Big Pine Key on Sunday morning, July 10 at 11am. Though they normally broadcast the service live on their radio station, I have asked not to have it broadcast live... PRESSURE!!!! LOL  We praise the Lord for the fellowship and opportunities we have to labor with fellow Christians and have enjoyed Sunday evenings and this week's Vacation Bible School at FBC of BPK.