Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A trip to Maine

Our family intends to take a trip to Maine from mid-August until mid- September. We have family we would like to visit back in Maine, and the Lord has opened some doors for us to minister while in Maine also. Our family will most likely be in Maine the last 2 Sundays in August and the first 2 Sundays in September for church services. 

Mark is scheduled to speak at the men's breakfast at West Rockport Baptist Church the 2nd Saturday of September. We are starting to get more inquiries, and would be available for other engagements. There are many area Christians that we want to catch up with and hopefully be an encouragement and help to while we are in Maine. 

We will take the Amtrak to Boston, MA and catch a bus to Portland, ME where Sara's parents will pick us up. We have a van tentatively offered for our use some of our time in Maine and will have Sara's parents house to use while we are there also. Dan and Kay will plan to stay at Sara's aunts home nearby.  We are all excited about this trip, as we will not have seen my(Mark's) parents in about a year, and most of all our friends and family have not seen our children, and they really miss them all! 

As the trip gets closer, we will try to update with details on scheduling. Mark is currently open to preach or teach in various settings, but with a short trip like this we will not be able to visit each church most likely. We will also be available for Gospel outreaches and such. We will plan to have meals with folks as often as possible, but until we have solid dates, we will wait on scheduling that. Please email Mark at if you have any questions or ideas for ministry while we are there. 

We are so excited to go home for a while, especially since we will be gone for the worst part of hurricane season we hope! Praise God for opening this door for our family, God truly blesses us richly beyond our needs so often. He is truly Jehovah Jireh, God our provider!

Mark and Sara