Monday, June 7, 2010

updates from Surge week- Monday June 7

About 150 people gathered in Olathe this morning for prayer and to be assigned to the various areas of outreach in 4 locations. Door to door Gospel work was done in 4 locations, with kid's clubs in 3 locations, and some that stayed at the conference center to pray for all those involved elsewhere. Prayer is so critical to the success of this endeavor. If we want God's power and His leading, we need to ask Him for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit in our lives often. 

It was such a blessing to take about 22 people to Ottawa for door to door witnessing of the love of Jesus Christ and the Gospel message. I met a few new friends, and had a blessed time out today. For my contacts, I saw more doors closed to the message than previously. I feel that Satan is working to blind the eyes of those who need this message the most, yet we will not be deterred from proclaiming this message of life.

Please continue to pray as we go out, that God would prepare our hearts and the hearts of those we will be reaching out to. We want to see revival in this town, I think God wants to see His people revived, and reaching out to the lost souls of Ottawa. I think the fields are white unto harvest, and that we must remain faithful to watch and pray, to put on the whole armor of God each day, knowing that the tricks and lies of the Devil, our adversary, are all about.  We must not be distracted, but press on knowing that God has brought us here to do His work, and His work will be accomplished. 

The false beliefs that we can somehow be good enough to please God or that there are many ways to please God and gain entrance into Heaven are some of most prominent lies. These lies are straight from the pit of Hell and defies God's redemption plan through repentance and trust in our Savior, Jesus Christ. There is not a person on this earth that is good enough to earn God's favor, but we are altogether unrighteous. We need a perfect Savior with the power to cancel sin's penalty, and Jesus Christ is Him that took my place on Calvary's cross. He is the one who is preeminent over all, the Creator, and the one whom we boldly proclaim.