Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Update, sort of..

I know many have written or called wondering how our Bible study last night. We had a good time talking about the Lord, and being challenged about following wherever He leads us. Unfortunately, Justin, Sara, and I had the discussion alone. No one showed up. What a sad state of affairs this brings to my attention.
With personally handed invitations to 100 homes, we got exactly zero people that came. No kids, no adults, no nothing. I don't know what to say, and that is why I had not written about it yet. I have been busy this morning and we are praying to see where to go from here. One option would be to invite more the same way, another would be to ratchet it up a notch and step on more toes. Another approach could be to visit the same homes and try to get people to talk about why they rejected the idea of a Bible study. We need to be in the Word and in prayer about how to reach our neighbors for Christ. The thought of them heading for hell is sobering, and motivating.
I think it comes down to a society that is so self involved that they do not care about anything else. When one lives their life to please themselves, the idea of being accountable to a morally upright God is scary. Selfishness trumps reponsibility for most people.
I know God is not done with us, in fact He is just getting started, and I know that we will be faithful in preaching the Word to whoever will listen. I have handed out tracts, personally talked with people, invited them to church, invited to our home, and nothing seems to work better than the other techniques. If God is not working in the heart of men, they will not come seeking Him.
Psalms says "There is none that seeks after God" That is a scary thought, but it also makes me believe that nothing I do could ever bring one soul to salvation. I can only open myself up as a broken vessel, willing to be molded into the image God has for me. My prayer is that He
will keep me in His will, molded into His image. I so desperately want to share the truth with people, and I feel that God was rejected, not us. I would be OK with rejection, but when someone turns their heart away from God, there is nothing I can do to fix it. Keep up the prayer, we need it, the world needs it.

Fired up all the more
Mark Cowperthwaite