Monday, March 10, 2008

Catching up with old friends- well not THAT old!

We took the opportunity last night to visit a church we used to attend in the area. We have not been there in 3 years, but many of the same faces were there, along with some new ones. The services have changed a bit, become more modern with laptop overhead slides, more choruses and less hymns. I enjoyed seeing friends that we have not gotten to fellowship with in some time, and I am reminded how blessed we are to have such a large family, this family of God.
A friend from our men's group attends this church and it was good to see him in his church, and see how God is using him. It is also encouraging to see how much he is growing. He had the chance to teach adult Sunday school this past week and the week coming. From what I was told, he did an excellent job portraying forgiveness. I was told many were moved by the message he brought.
I am reminded that it is not always in the "worship service" that the most encouragement is brought to God's people. Worshiping the Lord together truly is the ultimate act believers can do. Unfortunately, the methodology of many churches is not conducive to true worship, but rather to get people excited and get the blood flowing to their feet. While it is great to praise the Lord, this is not worship in the Biblical sense. Instead of supposing I was the first(not by a long shot) to notice this trend towards secularizing the church.

"There are many who know God, but never glorify Him as God, because they never worship Him with love. They go to church regularly, and sing psalms and hymns; but their hearts have never adored the living God with living love. Without the fire of love, no incense will ever rise from the censer of praise. " C.H.Spurgeon

Worship is not giving ourselves entertainment, as many churches seem to think. Worship is about communicating praise to God. It is our act of showing God how much we appreciate and honor all He has done for us. Only when we empty ourselves of our own desires and goals and concentrate on remembering the sacrifice and redemptive work of Jesus Christ can we truly begin to worship. I did enjoy the sermon, and notably with Easter season upcoming, he was talking about this very thing, the sacrifice of our Lord for sin.
I also got to reconnect with a brother in Christ that I have not talked to in depth in a while. It seems God is also working in his life in many ways. What an encouragement to see others on fire for God. It is never a lonely road when you have others to bear your burdens and encourage you in the Word of God.
It was good to catch up, but I don't think I will wait so long next time to reach out to those brothers and sisters and be encouraged by them also. We are a family, and too often we don't act like one.