Monday, April 2, 2012

Ask and you shall receive.... a plaque idea!

"One of my favorite passages of the Bible is James 1:26-27 concerning what is true and false religion. We have prayed regarding our ministry in Maine, about how to minister to widows and orphans, families and children. We wish to reach out with the Gospel and through friendship in community, and we prayed at length about whatever home the Lord would give us to live in. I had not really noticed our address is 2627 Friendship Road. Maybe I should open my eyes and see what God is already doing rather than looking for the next big thing! — at 2627 Friendship Road, Waldoboro, Maine."

I posted the status above on Facebook recently. The responses were fairly typical, but one brother helped out immensely by putting together a plaque that just might end up in our home sometimes soon. Below is the plaque idea offered by David Glendinning. Thanks!