Monday, February 13, 2012

When to stop preaching the Gospel

I thought that title might turn a few heads, especially since I am known for encouraging people to share the Gospel in all places, at all times, and to all people. I read an article today that reminded me of many experiences I have had when proclaiming the Gospel. That situation is when one is sharing the message of hope, love, grace, and mercy from God's Word and is met with hate, insult, and mockery, even hate speech and blasphemy. Should we spend our time reaching out to those who are humble and willing to listen, or those who spit in our faces? We know that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble and that may hold the key in all this.

It isn't that we should run away from persecution, but that we must discern between when someone is hearing the message and when the swine are gathering. We are told not to cast our pearly before swine, and the message doesn't end there. Jesus goes on to say that swine tend to turn on you and devour you if you hang around them too long unless you are going to give them what they want. Here's a hint: They don't want you to stay clean, nor do they want to eat of the fruit of righteousness.

I also don't believe that we are to pick and choose who is worthy of the Gospel by our own standards. Surely, all means all, and we are to go into the world and preach to all God's creatures, fulfilling the command of Christ Jesus our Lord, the example we emulate in preaching the good news. We are to preach to all, but when one is met with hatred and reviling, should we continue at length to debate with one who is surely set in their ways and pridefully so? Should we share with all, but spend our time more wisely, with those who are willing to have a discussion instead of a debate? There is a lot more to this topic, and I hope to start a discussion here. The comments section below is fine for conversation, and the linked thread on Facebook is a fine place to talk this over also.

Read the article mentioned at for Robin Shumacher's insights also. There are many other great articles at CARM, so browse around there when you get time.