Tuesday, February 21, 2012

So my mom isn't crazy after all

I recall in my childhood years my mother telling me that they wanted to protect me from many things. As the years went by, I was home schooled for a while, went to Christian schools, and ended my formal education with 2 years at a public school. When preparing to go to public school, I was told to be careful that teachers were not portraying sinful behavior as acceptable. Mom often spoke of the propaganda  being used in schools to promote abortion, sexual promiscuity, and such things. Mom, you were righter than you know!

Today, 180movie.com  posted this video from Planned Parenthood Golden Gate. This video was used on the PPGG site and most likely in schools often over the years. Besides the blatant lies about STDs and Christians, they have used terms like "reproductive health" in place of "killing babies" or "abortion". 

The producers of this video have demonized those who teach abstinence as the only guaranteed way of avoiding STDs and unplanned pregnancy, and even made fun of killing people using condoms and a superhero kind of gun. I find it odd that they don't want to teach abstinence, though no one can argue that avoiding sexual activity outside of marriage has proven effective. Does someone need to draw a diagram of how this works better than handing out condoms and telling kids how to use them? Surely these same people would tell you the only way to stop crime is to ban guns for everyone, even law abiding citizens.

Christian parents would do well to know what is being taught in their kids classrooms, though often you will not get advanced notice or be able to provide alternate activities during such times of brainwashing.

This video is not appropriate for young viewers, though something like it may very well be in your kids classroom at public schools.