Thursday, February 9, 2012

DVD review- Courageous

We have been looking forward to seeing Courageous since it came out in theaters, and yet we never got the chance until this past weekend. We borrowed the DVD from Sara's brother, and enjoyed every minute of it. From the opening scene, we enjoyed the action, emotion, and challenge that comes from this overtly Christian film. Sherwood Pictures has outdone themselves yet again as they continue to grow in screen writing, videography, and quality actors.

We found Courageous to be more broad reaching than previous Sherwood films, going beyond following a single family into the lives of 5 families, including 4 police officers. Add in the "Snake King", well created by Robert Amaya as "Javier Martinez" and you have the masterful blend of talent that makes Courageous a winner for families of all backgrounds.

In our opinion, this diversity is the key to the success of the film and its message to men, fathers, and husbands. From the father who cannot connect to his teenage son to the poor immigrant family scraping to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads, this film excels at driving the point home in all family situations. Corruption, integrity, pain, and forgiveness are all included to show the broad range of problems in our families, and also that God can and will bless those who choose to do what is right in His eyes above all else. Top all the action and emotion off with a healthy dose of humor and you have Courageous, a movie that will surely be on the playlist at the Cowperthwaite home for some time in the future.

Check this video below explaining the heart of Courageous.