Sunday, January 8, 2012

The whole Gospel and the whole church

We just got home from the meeting of the Christians at Henry Baptist Church here in McDonough, Georgia. It was good to see some friends from the community, we were greeted with joy and acceptance in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the music was joyful and very well done. These are some of the characteristics many people think about in a local church. Some are looking for fellowship in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, others have other motivations, but for me one thing stood out from this visit: the passion and accuracy of the Gospel message preached.

This month at HBC brother Archie Norman is preaching a series of messages concentrating on the Gospel. His text today was John 3:36. While I would love to dig deeper into this chapter, the summary verse reads as follows, the very words of Jesus Christ our Lord:

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life,
but the wrath of God remains on him."

Brother Archie drilled down on one point that, to me, is the essence of what is missing from many false gospel messages. So often, this last phrase is neglected. I have seen this phrase left out entirely, and even had a few explain to me why they leave it out. I was told that God's wrath abiding on a person sounds too heavy, too harsh, even cruel. So, they took God's wrath out and left it that "whoever believes has life, and whoever does not obey the Son misses out on life, but is still a good person generally". This is not at all what God's Word says, even the very Word of Life Himself, our Savior, said that God's wrath abides on every person who does not believe, and that they shall not see life.

In our family ministry, we have had the privilege to meet Christians from all backgrounds, many cultural and denominational convictions and beliefs. Here lies the heart of what we really have to worry about when we discuss with whom we should work: How is one saved, that is, passed from death to life? We see from this passage (and many others that were shared) that it is by the conviction of the Holy Spirit, by truly believing and obeying the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Human reasoning and intellectual belief in God will save no one. Belief in Jesus as a good teacher or prophet is not enough. God's Word says to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. This changing of the mind, turning from sin and self righteousness to agree with God and receive life through the blood of Jesus Christ is the true Gospel,  and this is what gives us fellowship with other believers. 

I have great convictions about many  things that I should obey. There are things in God's Word that we must agree on, and our fellowship in these things is in Christ. On the more practical side, I might not join this or other churches that we have visited, and we differ some on the practical out working of leadership, worship, or even the pattern of the meetings. Still, we have fellowship in Christ. We preach the same Gospel, we serve the same Lord, and we are commanded to have unity within the body of Christ. 

This unity is not the same as uniformity or unanimity. Some may prefer different music, give lengthier messages, or be called to different aspects of ministry. Some will meet in homes, others in rented buildings or large campuses, and yet we are to be unified  in Christ. Those who have been born again, saved, redeemed, bought by the blood of the Lamb, we are all one in Christ and will spend eternity together with Christ and all those who have called on His name  for salvation. Sadly, there are many who have "done church" for years, feel comfortable talking about the Lord, but have never truly come to obey the Gospel and believe on the Son in truth, passing from death to life, and becoming a new creation in Christ. My brother pleaded with such people to give up religion and give their life over to the Lord in truth today. This is the heart cry of every true Christian, that all would be saved. This echoes the heat of God, who is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Can we Christians unite under the Gospel, or will most continue to divide and refuse fellowship to those who rightfully deserve our love and would be a great asset in reaching the lost for Christ? I pray that we see more unity among Christians, and I know it will take great humility and patience with one another. Eternity is a long time to avoid talking with someone, and I personally don't think God will allow segregation and denominationalism in Heaven.

I just wanted to share this with you all today, as the message, music, and fellowship were a great blessing to our family today, but most of all the Biblical truth of the Gospel was preached and for that we praise God. We know the Lord's people gather in many places, by many names, and in many ways. Some are looking to the pattern of God's Word, some disagree on exactly what that looks like or feel that there is not a specific pattern to obey, some are looking to please the world and draw people in. I don't generally desire to point fingers at any, but rather to encourage those who I believe are true and faithful to what they believe according to God's Word. Let us find fellowship in the person and work of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord, and walk in unity, laboring together for His name's sake.

For a list of churches where we have had the privilege to minister and have fellowship in Christ, see the Churches tab