Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why is this offensive?

Since the death of Jubilee Shalom Duggar at 20 weeks gestation, the internet has been buzzing about how the family would handle the death, how the kids were doing, and whether or not Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar should stop having children. I have some strong opinions on a lot of this, but an article I recently read shed light on something that I had previously missed in the whole scenario. Last week, at the memorial service for the baby who died, there was a post mortem picture of Michelle holding the baby's perfectly developed hand. People freaked out, called for intervention, and spread hateful remarks all over the internet in what is truly a very private issue for most people, but because of celebrity status the Duggar family has been raked over the coals. Here is a quote that woke me up to what was going on:

The author of this article feels that the tide has turned, and that people are now thinking of a 20 week gestational baby as a baby rather than a clump of cells. Sadly, I believe that people often keep the mental disconnect intact. That is, when someone wants to have an abortion, it is still a fetus, but when they can sensationalize a family's grieving process and exploit it for money, they call it a baby. Maybe I am too skeptical, but I do hope that people are waking up to the fact that from conception, a human baby is there.