Thursday, December 8, 2011

Leading with Love book

I was blessed on our recent trip to Hinton, West Virginia with a copy of the book "Leading with love" by Alexander Strauch. I have enjoyed looking at leadership in the church through the eyes of this dear brother in Christ. The author is well known for his book "Biblical Eldership" and I have enjoyed his thoughts on leadership in this book as well.

The text in consideration for the book is 1 Corinthians 13, well known as the love chapter. Of course, God's Word is full of love and teaching, but the direct context of chapter 13 in this letter from Paul to the church at Corinth is of spiritual gifts and the proper use of them. Paul says that even if he had all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and yet used them without love, the result would not be beneficial. Now I recognize that some have differing opinions on whether the annoying noise produced is in the ears of the listener, God Himself, or that the one using the gift would not be benefited. It would seem to me that the hearers would be the primary ones to miss out when gifts are used improperly, but that God would also not be pleased to hear the teachings and tongues used to brag on oneself. Surely, these are given to bless, encourage, and build up the entire body of Christ. 

I could go on forever about the lessons I have learned about love, specifically the love of God in Christ. I have thoroughly enjoyed the lessons learned from my brother Gerald Scarbrough in his quest to live out this love of God as we are commanded in Scripture so often. Some examples of men who have exemplified such Godly love are Robert Chapman, George Muller, and Hudson Taylor. 

I just wanted to introduce you to the book, and share how much of a blessing it has been to me. As with book written by men, you would do well to consult God's Word and as they say "Enjoy the meat and spit out the bones", but I believe this book would be a great help to many, hopefully as much as it has been to me. Purchase the book from this link to support our ministry. 

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, 
that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples,
 if you have love for one another.”
~ John 13:34,35 ~