Monday, December 19, 2011

Cherish today

Many of you may already know the story of Denise Sproul. The wife of author and pastor R.C. Sproul Jr. passed away last night after a battle with cancer. Leaving behind her husband, eight children, and many lives that were changed through her ministry, many across the country are weeping today as they get the news. One of which is Doug Phillip's family, who ministered together often. Doug writes about Denise's impact on his family and especially his wife. Doug writes a cautionary tale of how we ought to cherish each moment with those we love. Read the whole story on Doug's Blog. Below is a short excerpt:

Tonight, stop and take a really good look at your spouse. Next, look at each of your children. Look really, really long and hard. Take a moment and thank God for every whisper of a moment that God has given you with them. Thank God for the little kisses offered, the stories told, the tickles dispensed, the games played, the readings shared, the silent moments cherished, the victories experienced, the losses endured, the kind words presented , the songs sung, the glances exchanged.

Though we never had the chance to meet this precious woman of God personally, we feel like we have had a chance to see her life through the ministry of herself and R.C, as well as the wisdom shared in R.C.'s writing. A book we recently read and highly recommend is "When you rise up" We will be posting a review of this book soon on Sara's blog and our Cowperthwaite Family Resources site.  See our Resources page for a purchase link. 

Through the pain of loss, still we can see a brighter side to this story, in that a child of God has been ushered home, into the presence of her Savior. For this, we shed tears of joy, knowing that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. What a precious promise! We will be praying for the family, especially for R.C. and the children as they prepare for life without Denise, knowing  that the Lord will work mightily for His glory in all things. 

527116: When You Rise Up: A Covenantal Approach to Homeschooling When You Rise Up: A Covenantal Approach to Homeschooling
By P & R Publishing
Who should teach your children? What should they be taught? What is the goal of education? Drawing on Charlotte Mason's and classical methods and encouraging parents as God's chosen teachers, Sproul offers a biblical approach to learning that defines instruction as discipleship; and its purpose as seeing your children bear fruit, grow in grace, and become more like Christ. 152 pages, softcover from P & R.