Friday, July 1, 2011

Changes in ministry focus

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Our family has been in Key West a little over half a year now. We remain confident of the Lord's initial call to labor at the Gospel Chapel, to preach the Gospel and labor in the name of Christ at the Gospel Chapel. The last few months have brought many changes to our family ministry. We have moved farther from Key West to Cudjoe Key. The nearest church to our house of any sort is 6 miles or more away, and we have already begun door-to-door outreach on our island along with starting a weekly fellowship night in our home for local Christians and outreach contacts. At the Gospel Chapel, Mark has been called upon for teaching most every week at the chapel along with leading all the meetings of the church, and other things have kept us more occupied than we planned beyond the scope of the Gospel work. 

The bigger picture is that the longer we have continued, the more we see that it is not our calling to continue on trying to fulfill all the roles that we are in at this time. We are not leaving town at this time, nor are we leaving the chapel completely, but after much prayer and counsel, we will be stepping out of the role of leadership at Gospel Chapel. I cannot promise how long we will stay in the long term, but most of you know we are heading to Maine for a month August 16-Sept 15 for a time of visiting with family, ministry, and prayer regarding the Lord's leading for our family in the future. 

Our lease will end October 31, and we will make a decision regarding staying in the Keys at that point. It is the Lord who has called us, the Lord who led us here, and we trust in Him for the direction of our future ministry. We appreciate your continued prayer for our family and the work of the Lord in the Florida Keys. We thank the Lord for all He is doing in our lives, and look forward to having more time to dedicate to the work of the Gospel. Feel free to call us if you have questions regarding this decision.