Sunday, January 9, 2011

Check out the chapel blog for Key West updates

I am trying to keep our family updates on this blog, and those directly related to the Key West Gospel Chapel on the blog for the chapel. You can see the blog for the chapel HERE

Subscribe, follow, or whatever you like, but don't miss out on the news from Key West Gospel Chapel. I thank the Lord for the work He is doing to draw people to Himself here in Key West. We have had many contacts in the Gospel effort here in Key West, and I will be posting more about that soon. I want to share what is going on, prayer requests, and much more, but we have to be careful of privacy issues.

Thank you for "following" this blog. Please add us to your Google Reader or such applications as Feedly. Using blogs and having folks "follow" us helps us not have to duplicate our work via FaceBook, emails, and Mail Chimp campaigns. We want people to have the information they want, but will be trying to keep our efforts streamlined and efficient. Thank you for your prayers on our behalf and for the souls in Key West.
