Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Samuel's Doctor report and other news items

Greetings all,
Samuel went to his checkup today, and what a wonderful blessing it was to hear that he is recovering well. Samuel is eating much better, gaining weight (11 lbs. 5oz.) and his lungs are pretty well cleared, praise God! The doctor said that he is just fine to travel. Praise belongs to God for His healing hand, and for showing us His strength in this trial. We are learning patience and more than anything to trust in the Lord for all things.

Another wonderful blessing was getting to spend time with some brothers and sisters in Christ these last few days. Now that Samuel is feeling better, we are able to have more times of fellowship that we missed so much the last few weeks. We were blessed to meet with the Dodge family and Valerie Lecher yesterday afternoon. Getting to know Valerie and her children was a blessing that proved to show us God's leading power in the lives of His people. After saying goodbye, Valerie returned saying that she felt that God wanted her to give us something. Valerie blessed us with a gift of a pen-and-ink drawing(created by her husband) that has proved to be a blessed reminder of the Holy Spirit's voice speaking to our hearts.

The drawing is beautiful and I could not adequately describe it. The drawing had this passage from Jeremiah under it, and quite impressively put to life these words. "Jeremiah 17: 7,8   "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit."

As we were driving home, I was talking to a dear brother about God's provision for those who seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. Our family has seen troubled times. We have had some serious issues with our health, vehicle problems, and sometimes finances get tight. We have learned to put all things before the Lord, trusting His provision and His promises. As I tried to encourage my dear brother, I mentioned the gift of this artistic piece. I had not seen the Scripture yet, but Sara described the picture to me. As Sara read the verses, a renewed sense of awe for the Lord filled my soul with worship for our loving Lord. Jehovah Jireh is not only the provider of our physical and material needs, but our spiritual needs.

Hearing God's Words through Jeremiah, a prophet so many years ago, I saw the timeless truth of the Lord. One does not have to think terribly long and hard to see that this passage was determined by the Lord to prove His faithfulness. "...does not fear when heat comes...is not anxious in the year of drought..." ,these words just jumped off the page, and as I considered them again this morning, I was brought to tears as I recalled all the times God has proven Himself and the promises of this passage. We have no need to doubt or fear, no matter what drought is perceived. God still owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and is not slack concerning His promises.

With examples of men of faith such as Hudson Taylor and George Muller, we have seen the miraculous timing of God's provision, and our own lives bear many testimonies of God's promises fulfilled. Matthew 6:33 and many other verses have been proven true as we trust the Lord to take care of us in all things. What an incredible reminder of the unity we have in Christ. What a testimony to the Holy Spirit's edifying work, and the glory of our great and mighty God.

We had supper with the Stanleys tonight, and were encouraged to hear about God's work in their lives to equip them in His work. We are reminded again that though we don't attend the same church meeting, we are brothers and sisters, unified in allegiance to Christ. As they wait and prepare to serve the Lord overseas, it is plain to see the Lord molding them more to the image of His Son. In the meantime, they continue to serve at a local Baptist church and work with teens in their community. Tonight was a blessing, and of course Crystal's white chicken chili made it that much more enjoyable.

Looking ahead, we know that our plans are not always going to turn out as we think. We know from experience that, as the Lord wills, we must be willing to follow wherever the Spirit leads. So, as always, we make our plans and continue to seek the timing and placement that God gives as the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts. That being said, here is "our plan" for travel.

I spoke to John Stultz from Spring Hill Gospel Hall in Westbrook, Maine. We finalized plans to gather with the saints there this Sunday, March 21. I will be sharing during the family Bible hour, and am excited to meet once again with the saints there. March 28 I plan to be teaching at Bluegrass Bible Fellowship in Richmond, Kentucky. Please be praying that we continue to seek the Lord's will in all these plans, and that we learn day by day to rely on ourselves and keep the focus where it belongs, with all glory to God. Thank you for your continued prayers as we travel. We want to be praying for you, too, so please send requests if you would like us to be praying for you.

Grace and peace to you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Mark for the Cowperthwaites

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Samuel update

It  has been  a few  days since our last post, and  a busy few days it has been. Samuel came home  from  the hospital Saturday around  noon,  praise  the  Lord!  Samuel continues to have labored breathing  at times, and it will probably be weeks before he is back to a full measure  of health. Still,  at this point, our  pediatrician thinks it  will be fine  to continue our  travels on  March  21. We thank those who have  been praying, offering  help, sending  meals, and  just being an encouragement as we have walked through this trial.

Sara is catching up on sleep, though she is more inclined (as am I) to stay up and watch Samuel sleep than to get sleep herself. As parents, I suppose we worry more than we care to admit, but are learning more each day that God is in control and we are better to leave things in His hands. We have been led more and more to pray for our children, in sickness and  in health, in plenty and in want, and  are reminded of Paul's sentiment in Philippians 4:11-13:
"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Yet it was kind of you to share my trouble. "

Our friend David Crossman wrote  a song  from this passage that  rings in  my head often  when trying times come. What a  blessing spiritual  songs  are  to  us, singing  and making melody in our hearts to the  Lord.  We have found  strength and comfort in  God's Word so often,  knowing that we are not taking this journey alone, and we have no reason to complain.

We are reminded that there are Christians being persecuted all over the world today. We  know many parents have children that are at death's door, and some that carry the  burden of  raising a child by themselves after losing a spouse. Still worse,  there are men, women, boys and girls around the globe that  have  no  knowledge of the true and living God. These people  will do more than walk through the valley of  the shadow of death, but will experience eternal  death in the lake of fire. When we look at the bigger picture, we consider  ourselves blessed, and we  praise  God  for His  provision in  all things.

Looking at the scheduled departure date on the calendar has reminded us of  a few other  things. We have just  12 days before  we  leave Maine again. In  the meantime, we have meals planned with friend and  family,  trips around the state to visit other Christians in Hancock County and Central  Maine. 

I thought I should send out this update, as  many have called or emailed  asking about Samuel's condition. Thank you again for the prayer and help in so many ways.  We are truly blessed, and thank God for you all every day. 

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Update on Samuel and plans for our time in Maine

This week has seemed pretty long, but as it is Saturday, a new week awaits us tomorrow morning. The Lord's Day is always a fresh start, another time to focus our eyes on Christ. As for this past week, with Samuel developing a cold, and his hospitalization since Thursday, the family dynamic has changed a bit. This week, Daddy got to get a little better picture of all that Mommy gets done around the house. We will be very glad to have her home again soon (and Samuel too). Mommy's are highly under-appreciated for sure, but even more I realize that as we are almost never apart, I just miss my wife. The kids have been great, and we are happy that nobody else is sick now.

Samuel's condition as of this writing is improving. He was diagnosed with bronchiolitis Thursday morning, and admitted to Pen Bay Medical Center for observation. Over the last few days, his oxygen saturation level and chest retractions(sign of difficulty breathing) have been the primary concern. Friday night, he had less retractions, but this morning (Saturday) they are back.

The morning struggle with retractions may be an issue that comes and goes at different times of day. Often upon waking, babies will have a harder time breathing until they awaken fully and clear out some of the settled mucous in their lungs. What all this means is that Samuel may come home today, and he may not. We should find out soon, as the Doctor will be making rounds this morning. We have only needed to use oxygen a few times in his hospital stay, which is a good sign. Though he is struggling, his body is still getting the oxygen it needs on its own. This is a virus, and it should go away in time on its own.

We have just 15 days left before our scheduled departure from Maine. So, at this point it is wait-and-see as to our travel plans. We will have to keep Samuel out of public venues for a while so that he can fully recover and build up his immune system. That means that we won't be able to visit with anyone that is the least bit sick (in the middle of cold season) but we will do whatever is needed to protect him. Sara will not be coming to church or prayer meetings until we leave Maine, most likely. This is hard, as we especially love visiting and fellowship times. We will make those decisions and cross those bridges when we get there. It is all in God's very capable hands.

For now, we continue to pray for discernment, for healing, and for the Lord's will in all things. We learned a long time ago that sometimes God closes a door, and then opens a window. Sometimes the Lord closes the door for a time, and we just have to wait for Him to open it again. It all comes down to knowing for sure that God wants us to continue this work He has sent us out to do. We will wait on His leading to see when and where we go from here. For now, no travel plans have changed. We have a few meetings scheduled and ministry opportunities(Lord willing) that I can do without Sara and Samuel. Here are some of our plans.

Tonight, I am scheduled to lead the services at Knox County Jail. This will be my last opportunity to lead the Saturday service, and I have only two more Fridays that I would be able to get to the jail. In the last month, I have only been there twice due to sickness. I really enjoy sharing with the men and women at KCJ, and pray that the Holy Spirit works through the teams that go in so faithfully. Many brothers and sisters are there for the long term, and it has been a privilege to labor with them, even if only for a short time. Thanks to Kevan for prompting me to get involved in this wonderful and very necessary ministry. God is blessing that work, and we are blessed to be a small part.

This week coming, we will be at First Baptist Church of Waldoboro for Wednesday evening Club 56. We were asked to come and tell about our family life and ministry. The audience is 5th and 6th graders, so we plan to have a question and answer session where the kids can answer the who,where, what, why, and how of life traveling the country, meeting new friends, different cultures and churches, and even regional dialects. The kids have a lot to say, and have learned so much about the country, but more about God's provision, in the last 15 months. Their education has been so much more than books could ever teach, and we praise the Lord for giving us these opportunities and experiences.

I was informed last night about a brainstorming session to be held Wednesday. Some folks at FBCW are considering a good old fashioned tent revival at First Baptist Church of Waldoboro this summer. It would be great to see this kind of thing happen in Maine. Often, the "old methods" are thrown out in favor of the newer, cooler outreaches. I am not against the new, but see a great value in the tent meetings.

We see Christians coming together more often during this type of event, and we are brought back to the simple truths of the Gospel that are so vital to remember. We are drawn to think of the lost world around us, our families, neighbors, coworkers, and others that need to hear the good news of salvation from sin and eternal life in Jesus Christ.

We ought to be faithfully witnessing always, and the revival meetings are an extension of the personal testimony. This type of meeting, though, in the public venue, reaches some that we don't see or know personally. I am just bursting with ideas and logistical thoughts of all that needs to be done to make this a time of rejuvenation for Christians and reaching the community with the wonderful words of life in Jesus our Savior. I hope Christians from other area churches lend a hand to unite in the Gospel effort and make known throughout the land the name that is above every name, Jesus Christ our King!!!!!

There are other times of fellowship with friends and family on the schedule for the next 2 weeks, packing and planning to be done, but I am so happy to see people thinking about how to reach the lost for Christ. That is one of the major focuses of our lives, to make the Lord known and to fulfill the commission that we were given in Jesus' last words on earth.

The public revival meeting can never replace the effectual and fervent prayer and witness of His people everywhere we go, but is a GREAT addition to the Gospel arsenal! Paul, Peter, James, Philip, and Jesus Himself all used public venues to proclaim the need for salvation, to preach the justice of God, and share the love and forgiveness that only God can offer that will pay sin's penalty. I pray that the desire for souls to be saved continues to grow in us all and that we act in accordance with that desire. God be praised for His glorious Gospel! Let us continue to be faithful fishers of men (and women and children) until the nets are full!

I will wrap up for now, as my heart races and my mind wanders. I will update when Samuel does come home. Thank you all for the prayers and encouragement, the scriptures shared, and the love of Christ shown to us in these times of trials and hardship. We feel very blessed to have so much family in the Lord. Praise God for His protection and strength day by day. We know that all things work together for good, for those who love God, and are called according to His purpose.

Until the nets are full,
Mark Cowperthwaite

Friday, March 5, 2010

New family site- everything Cowperthwaite in one place

I know many of you read either the family blog, the "one anothering" blog, or follow us on Facebook.We appreciate all the interest in our lives, and the prayer and support that is such a blessing to us each day. On the average day, we hear both from friends and people we have never met many times. The encouragement and support, prayer and news from Christians all over the world, keeps us connected and allows us to pray for you also. What a blessing it is to get to know new friends and be able to catch up with old friends, too.

With all this in mind, we decided to get all our content in one place, and have recently consolidated everything into this new site(a work in progress). You can still read our blog, check us out on Facebook, etc. None of those addresses have changed. In fact, we have added more content that we hope is a blessing to you in your service to the Lord.

Some additions to the new site include:
Sara's blog- Homemakers in Training
Nathaniel's blog- A Christian walk for kids
Direct links to our pictures on Picasa
Downloads page
Our favorite sites, links to friends sites

We look forward to hearing from you all, and are so blessed to have so many friends all over. God deserves all the glory for all He has done, all He is doing. We hope that we can be an encouragement to you all as you serve the Lord.

Updates- March 5 AM

Good morning all! It seems that Samuel is needing a bit more time to recover. His oxygen saturation is still pretty good most of the time, but he is continuing to have retractions in his chest. This is evidence of difficulty breathing. They put him on oxygen at 545am and are considering an anti-inflammatory to help break up the mucous in his chest. Sara is able to stay in room with him, which makes us all feel better to know she is there.

Here on the home front, the kids just got up and wish Mommy and Samuel were home, but they are doing fine and mostly over their colds. We appreciate your continued prayer for Samuel. We are glad that the hospital is so close (7 minutes away) so that we can continue to visit. While it is not fun to have a baby in the hospital, we are blessed to know that he is getting great care.

We will continue to update as things happen. Until then, I am reminded of James' call to perseverance and finding joy in our struggles. We know God will be glorified in all this, and we continue to look to Him for guidance and opportunities to speak of Him to all those that are in our path today.
 James 1:2-3 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."

Persevering for the Lord,
Mark and Sara Cowperthwaite

Pray for Samuel please

I just wanted to send this out so that folks would be praying. Samuel has bronchiolitis and was having labored breathing, so he was admitted to Pen Bay Medical Center about 11am, March 4. His breathing rate is still within acceptable parameters, and his oxygen level is still good. They just want  to be cautious, and he may only be there overnight. We would just appreciate prayer for discernment, patience, and comfort for Samuel and Sara as they are away from us for this time.
Everyone else in the family had this  same cold, and are getting better day by day. The doctor said that if he was 2 months old or older, they would not keep him in the hospital, and also said that for someone needing to be hospitalized, he is doing incredibly well. He is alert, happy, and should be able to come home in a few days. I will post updates if there are drastic changes, but do not plan to write another update until he is home. Feel free to call Mark's cell at 207-542-8916.
These times are trying, and we know we are not alone in illness. God gives us the strength on the easy days and the hard days. He is God when the sun is shining, and when the rain pours down. In all things, we continue to praise the Lord for His provision and the gift of life we have each day according to His mercy and love.