Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The tracts have arrived, reaching our family members

I just checked the porch to see if our mail had arrived, and was pleasantly surprised to find a couple of large boxes with my name on them. You see, it takes some rather heavy boxes if you are looking to pack 5,000 postcard Gospel tracts. Upon initial inspection, everything seems to have turned out quite well.

Now we get to hit the streets to share this message of eternal life with others! You see, Key West has a town motto: "One Human Family." In fact, they offer free bumper stickers that say,
to which I must agree. I believe that we are all created by God as equally fallible and sinful members of the human race. So, on this point we agree. 

The sad part is that when you ask those involved in the "movement" what this means, it is all about their attempt to stem "homophobia" which is a silly word. Such a great theme for the Gospel message, and they use it as a platform for promoting sin, what a shame. Homophobia? I have never met anyone who was scared of homosexuality or homosexuals. Not once have I seen a man run away from a gay man due to fear, or women guarding their purses in fear that the lesbians will steal it. What a silly word, homophobia!

All that silliness aside, I am reminded that we are one human family. Those who choose the sin of homosexuality are no different than those who
commit adultery, fornication, or even those who lie, cheat, steal, or look down with pride on others who are trapped in their sinful and dead spiritual walk. Every on of us is born in sin and needs the life that is only offered by repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation from our righteous damnation in Hell.

 Each Christian who is born again, not of the flesh, but in the spirit, can look back to our former dead selves and thank God for His regenerating work. We have no reason to be prideful, nor to exclude anyone from our community outreach and daily interactions. Some people's sins are more obvious, and others of us have secret sins. Each one must repent before God and stop our sinful ways out of a love for God and a desire to please Him. This departure from sin will not save us, but rather is the fruit of a heart that has truly repented and been born again by the Holy Spirit of God.

It is with all this in mind that we are attempting to use the truth of "one  human family" to point everyone to Christ for salvation, and we hope that these tracts will help us along the way with that. If we are going to reach homosexuals and everyone else with the truth of God's Word, we must first stop thinking of homosexuals as a lower class of people, and treat them just like your family member who lies all the time, or is unfaithful to their spouse. Proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ and the message of the Gospel to everyone, don't be afraid! Don't fear the punk rocker, the pierced and tattooed teenager, the leather clad biker, the little old lady across the street, the homeless at the park, and certainly don't fear the homosexuals! Perfect love casts out fear, and the love of Christ for the unsaved is that perfect love.

I leave you with the words of John Wesley in his thoughts on who and what we should fear:
 "Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, 
and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake 
the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on earth"