Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Good Bye Maine (for now at least)

We left Maine just 11 days ago, yet it seems to have been months since we hit the road again. We want to thank all of those that have supported our family and ministry, it is hard to believe we have been living in a camper for almost 2 years. Our time in Maine was such a blessing, as always, but this trip seemed to be greatly profitable in the Lord's work. We were glad to see brothers and sisters in Christ working together, beyond denominational lines, for the cause of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the streets, in homes, in churches, in jails, and in many more venues than I could list here. As we head south yet again, we had the chance to meet some new family in Christ, and also check in with some precious brothers and sisters in Christ.

Our first stop was in Warwick, Rhode Island at Buttonwoods Bible Chapel, where we got to see Avi Bastajian and family and our brother Chuck Davis and his wife. We were introduced to the saints there, and it was good to meet more of our family of God.  From there, we visited Riverview Chapel in Hinton, West Virginia. We received gracious hospitality from the Christians in Hinton and got to spend a bit of time with Armand and Diana and enjoyed prayer meeting with many of the other brothers and sisters there at Riverview Chapel
. Mark shared about what the Lord is leading us to do, and some of our travels since our last visit to Hinton on Wednesday evening. We then westward to Winchester, Kentucky, where we were again greeted with hospitality and Christian love by John and Virginia Frasher, who graciously allowed us to park at their home. We got to visit with many of the families from Bluegrass Bible Fellowship in nearby Richmond, always an encouragement in the Lord. Mark spoke at the Sunday morning meeting there in Richmond.  It is always a difficult "good bye" at BBF, as we have spent about 5 months there in the past 16 months, 3 weeks in May 2009, 3 1/2 months in the end of 2009, 3 weeks in August 2010, and 2 other shorter visits, this church is our home away from home.

The family endured a bout with a "stomach bug" our last few days in Kentucky, which stayed with Sara on our trip south today. We arrived tonight in McDonough, Georgia, where we plan to spend 3 days, heading yet further south on Saturday morning.  From here, the next stop is scheduled in Ocala, Florida, where we will visit Isaac and Joanna Hebert, a young couple from our home church in Union, Maine. We plan to spend the weekend, and visit Ocala Bible Chapel with them, then head to Carrolwood Bible Chapel in the Tampa, Florida area. As this email is getting rather long, I will spare you any more details. We just wanted to check in and thank you all for the prayer and financial support, we thank the Lord for His faithfulness in providing for all our needs through His people. We will be visiting with Gerald and Pamela Scarbrough here in McDonough. Our kids have looked forward to seeing the Scarbrough children since we last came through here in May, and we hope the illness passes through quickly so we can enjoy our time here. Please continue to pray for us as we travel and proclaim the Gospel message to those we encounter along the way. We are excited to see what God will do in the coming months, it is such a privilege to serve our God.

Because He first loved us,
Mark and Sara Cowperthwaite
Nathaniel, Virginia, Naomi, and Samuel

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men,
especially unto them who are of the household of faith. " Galatians 6:9-10