Saturday, June 12, 2010

Who will take responsibility?

This post was in response to one by my brother in Christ, Nathanael Pena. His blog can be found at My prayer at the meeting this AM was for the young men and women that have served so faithfully in the Gospel work here. It was also for those of us with more experience (as Christians more so than Gospel specific), that we need to be like Ed McCully's father, in seeking God's will for our children and letting God lead them. So often we impose our desires on them, and forget that we are not raising children, but hopefully raising reponsible, competent adults that love the Lord and will serve Him according to His leading. That may not be the same as our wants for them, but we must trust that God will take care of those whom He calls.  Some parents will be Dr. McCullys, but not nearly enough. I pray there are more of them.

Others parents will "tolerate" their children's desire to do something for the Lord, but in their hearts will not trust God to take care of them, and seek to discourage those that so earnestly want to be used by God for whatever He burdens their hearts to do in His service.

Still other young folks have parents that are not Christians. These young men and women need so desperately the support, advice, prayer, and discipleship from those in their lives that have experience and a track record for trusting God. Should we not rather be seeking them out, praying for them, and offering ourselves rather than waiting for them to have to ask us?

Sadly, there are many that get on fire for the Lord only to be doused by the bucket brigade. The older generation (I put myself at 35 in that category) will have to take up the slack for these unfaithful  parents, to find these that are yearning for a life example, a mentor, and we are responsible before the Lord for this work.

Whether or not we ever have another fellowship dinner, get the carpets cleaned, or have time for our pet projects, we must take these young ones under our wing, so to speak, and invest in their lives. So many have been left to disciple themselves, missing out along the way the sweet fellowship and relationships that come as we study God's Word together, and exemplify that type of life that was characterized by Paul and Timothy.
I could go on forever, but I want also to thank Nathanael and so many others like him in this generation coming up, for thinking about these things, for speaking up publicly, and for their zeal for the Savior.

The young men will often be pulled aside and put in places of responsibility, or maybe even discipled if they beg hard enough. The young ladies, however, have all too often been set aside, to our shame! The excuses are plentiful, but we can no longer make excuses. This generation will be lost to us, and we will see God work in spite of us too often. Others will be discouraged and become ineffective for God. Isn't it worth our time for each of us to prayerfully consider our role to play in this?
I know the excuses, sadly they have fallen from my lips also  But no more, folks. The following is my perception, not to glorify my wife, nor to tear anyone else apart. I just know her schedule and her passion for young ladies. If my 27 year old wife with 4 children can cook the meals, clean the home, educate our children, be a godly wife, offer hospitality on average 4-5 meals per week in our home, share the Gospel at parks and other places, along with a million other things, and still find time to talk on the phone, write to, pray for, and spend time with a few of these young ladies, then I can't imagine there are too many reasons that others could not do it too. I know other wives and mothers, singles, widows and working ladies that take the time because it is a priority in their eyes. Many are involved in this important work in varying degrees and various ministries, and for that I praise the Lord, but far too many are not. I am not trying to tear anyone apart, but we all need to ask ourselves "Couldn't we do more?" I want no one to disregard their families or other responsibilities, but we must prioritize and get all those things done for which the Lord has given us responsibility.

People make time for yoga, dance lessons, crafts, days at the beach, getting hair and nails done, gardening, pets, and a million other things that don't matter at all in the scope of eternity and building Christ's church. Will we make time to ensure that the next generation has every tool we have to offer to live out God's call for their  lives? Do we not think it is our responsibility?  I can hear it now, "Am I my brother's keeper?" YES, you are! So am I, as are we all. One body, unified in Christ, for His glory, obeying the commands the Lord has given us in His Word!

Men always say they are so busy with work and family things that they can't take this on even with their own children, but if you have time for sports, fishing, watching TV, working out, keeping up with all the news of the world, and disregard the need for young men to be shown how to practically live for the Lord, then you have your priorities mixed up.

I have found myself over the years caught in silly wastes of time, and have had to repent to God for my unfaithfulness. We must be careful not to let those things that are enjoyable and fun become more important than what the Lord has commanded us to do! We must not be satisfied with how things are, but ever strive to be more like the Lord Jesus Christ who always was teaching, reaching the lost, and showing others how they could be used for God's purposes. We are an adulterous lot, giving our love to the world rather than to Him who deserves preeminence in all areas of our lives.

Wake up, sleepy Chrisians!! Repent and do the things you did when you first met the Savior, when you accepted His mercy and grace, and laid on Him who knew no sin your list of wicked and abominable acts! I speak as one who too often lets down his guard and allows apathy any ground. I speak as a man who has repented of my lack of love for the Lord, my irresponsibility, and my unfaithfulness. I am heartbroken for some of these young folks that have no examples in their lives, who wander about and desperately seek someone to take them along, walking together toward whatever God leads them to do for His glory and pleasure. Please understand my heart, don't take these words as judgmental, but pleading in love for God's glory.

One more thing: I put myself in the category of "older generation" but want to expound on that. If you are retired and have time to plant a garden, redecorate the house, or play bridge, you have time to disciple one or more of these. I keep hearing from retirees "I am too busy" well you had time for all you do plus work not that long ago. Can we really make these excuses? if you are working through retirement just to have the nicer house, new car, or the latest entertainment system, can you honestly say you can't take a few hours a week to pray for and study or serve alongside a young believer that needs you?  I am not saying to sell your car or that you should not take care of your home, just to honestly, before the Lord, judge ourselves. 

You that are wiser and more experienced have so much to offer these dear ones. Some don't think they have much to say, much to teach, but do not be deceived. You are who God commands to instruct us younger folks, with each generation passing down the stories of God's provision, His glory, of revival, of trials the Lord has seen you through. You have a gift to those who are younger, and you must not let this wisdom and experience be wasted.

For us younger ones, we must give honor and respect to those who will come alongside and try to help. Encouragement is always welcomed, but at times admonition is more needed. In all things, for love of one another and with an eye on what God would have for us, not what we would wish the Lord to do. We are His people, the sheep of His pasture. We must fix our eyes on Him, with no excuses, but only repentance and willingness to ask for His strength in these things.

Let's be like Dr. McCully and so many more that have raised their children to desire God's labors as their primary goal in life, to seek His glory, to build up one another in love and train those that are younger or less mature in the faith. Paul's heart was so broken in love for the churches, and my heart breaks each time I see a young person that thinks their life is about the American dream. Let me tell you, the American dream is not God's dream. God's  heart is for His people to obey Him, to love Him, and to reach out with His love to others so that the bride of Christ will be pure and undefiled, seeking nothing but her dear Bridegroom's face.