Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Resources available upon request

I have received many emails asking for some of the materials I have produced over the years. This blog is searchable and contains much of what I have written, and I have recently started using tags on our "one anothering" blog to make them more accessible and easier to find.

We also use Google Docs and are working on publishing materials such as gospel tracts, training materials, song visuals, and other items that we (Mark and Nathaniel) have put together to help and equip the body of Christ. We want to continue to connect with Christians worldwide, and have found the medium of the internet to be a valuable tool.

Feel free to email me at cowperthwaitefamily@gmail.com with any questions or suggestions.

Some articles can also be found on Google Knols and I will be putting more articles up as they are written.

Thank you for taking time to read these items, I pray that they will be encouraging, challenging, and mostly that God is glorified in all things.