Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ministry description

    Our families were commended to the work of full-time traveling evangelism by our home assembly in Union, Maine, in 2008.  
    The focus of our ministry is two-fold.  The Lord, first and foremost, has burdened our hearts with the urgency of preaching the gospel in this country.  In this land of religious freedom and churches in abundance, there exists an increasing number of people who are completely unfamiliar with the Gospel, and an even greater number who have only experienced some watered-down version of Christianity from the multitude of ‘churches’ where the Word of God is not taught in truth.  We labor in the harvest field through: door-to-door visitation; open-air preaching; traditional gospel meetings; organizing outreaches to prisons, nursing homes, colleges, etc.; literature booths and/or tract distribution at public events; and any other ways the Lord leads to bring salvation to the lost.
    The second focus of our ministry is, from the full sense of the gift of the evangelist in Ephesians 4:11-12, to build up the body of Christ by equipping the saints for the work of evangelism.  It should be obvious that a few gifted men are not sufficient for the task of preaching the gospel to every creature in this country; nor did the Lord intend for that to be the case.  It is clear from 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 that the ministry of reconciliation has been entrusted to every believer, as each has been made an ambassador for Christ.  It has been our experience in visiting assemblies, and from meeting with saints from assemblies around the country, that many may be strong in doctrine and faithful in worship, but lack zeal for and commitment to personally taking part in fulfilling the Great Commission.  Through teaching and training, exhortation and example, it is our desire to work with assemblies to energize and equip them for proclaiming the gospel to a lost and perishing world.

Evangelist and witness explained

*The great need around us for Christians to be faithful in the Gospel

Most Christians would readily acknowledge that the world is not how God desires it to be. We say that we want to change things for the Lord.  We talk about reaching the lost through all sorts of programs, but what is the best way to reach them? How can each believer in the Lord Jesus be used in the work of reaching the lost and giving them the message they need so desperately to hear?

The answer comes from God’s own Word. “The Lord’s prayer” so called, reminds us to seek God’s will to be done on earth. It takes a dedication to the desire of God Himself, to have our hearts changed into His heart, to make His will our own. We are to be shaped by the Potter, made into  what He wants us to be.

We know that God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So, I ask you, Christian, are you seeking to fulfill the desire of God’s heart? Do you pray that His will be done each day and then put yourself in a position to be used by God to accomplish that will? If we “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness,  then all these things (necessities of life) will be added to you” We often desire God’s material and tangible blessings, but don’t strive to see what He desires of us. I am confident that He will not bless an attitude that seeks to do the least possible service for our Lord, but rather a heart that overflows with the love of Christ and then shares it with others.  

Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. (John 4:35)
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.  (Matt. 9:36-37)

Surely there are many who are able to do more than they do. We have a tendency to put our priorities out of order.  God’s commands should be first, and not our own. We cannot live for our own selfish desires. God has given us life for a reason, and that is to glorify Him. We live only because He allows it and we have a responsibility to Him to live His way.

* personal responsibility vs. the work of a gifted few

If only specially called ‘evangelists’ are to be out preaching the gospel, then God didn’t supply sufficient to meet the need.  I don’t believe the Lord will ever leave His church lacking. We know that this work can not be accomplished through just a select few.

We see that there are a small percentage of believers that are called as evangelists, and the reason is that we are all called to witness, and the evangelist is called to that also. But the job doesn’t end there, it is also a call to equip the body as seen in the following passage.

Eph 4:11-12 evangelists are gifted for the equipping of the saints for evangelism, not for doing it all themselves. So, if you have assumed that door to door calling, or preaching in the open air is just for a select few, you need to see the true work of the evangelist, which is to equip the saints.

Are all called to preach the gospel the same way?  No.  Are all called to preach the gospel some way?  YES.  We all see people each day that are unsaved. We all have friends, relatives,  and coworkers that the evangelist can never meet. The evangelist is to be involved in the work and making sure the work is effective, but he should never be the only one preaching the Gospel to the lost.

You’re either a missionary or a mission field.  One or the other. So, will you  step out in faith and reach out to some lost soul? If not, what is keeping you? Maybe you don’t feel  comfortable speaking. Paul  said in 1 Cor. 2 that even this educated apostle was fearful, and I am sure he was not comfortable being placed in prison, yet he obeyed despite the cost to him personally.

Paul knew what he had to look forward to, and his priority was to please his Master and Savior. It was his love for the Lord that brought him to tell the wonderful story of the Christ who died for him and his sin. His faith was personal, and because of the relationship with Christ that Paul had, he could not keep such a wondrous thing to himself. Truly, the epitome of a selfish Christian is one who keeps his Savior to himself.

Mark- evangelist calling

    My name is Mark Cowperthwaite. My wife, Sara, and I have been married for 7 years.  The Lord has given us 3 children, ranging in age from 13 years down to 2 years. Our home assembly is Grace Fellowship Bible Chapel, in Union, Maine.  I pray it will be an encouragement to you to learn a little about the work the Lord has called our family to, and how it all got started.
    In 2006, I started to see that there was an area in my life, and in our home church, that was not in line with what I saw in Scripture.  That area was evangelism.  I spoke with my friend Justin, a brother who struggled with the same issues. God knit out hearts together and brought us as a team, brothers to hold each other accountable and to encourage and pray for each other as we strive to walk according to the Lord’s will for our lives. By God’s providence, We now travel with Justin’s family throughout  the country. We spoke of what God was calling us to do as Christians, to be witnesses. This was not the calling of the evangelist, but just what every believer should do. Our conversations usually ended with neither of us having any solid ideas or clear direction on how to begin preaching the gospel as church body.
    Eventually, we decided to just step out and do something, even though we both felt inadequate and unprepared!  We started by simply picking a street and going up to knock on each door.  I thank God that He honored our motives, in spite of our lack of ability!  I am quite sure we put our foot in our mouth at almost every door, but the Lord did give us a few good conversations and opportunities to share the gospel.  Most of all, He showed us that our fears could be overcome, and the people we met revealed how great the need really was.
    I spent much time in prayer, seeking other ways to preach the gospel.  It was my desire for others in our local body to also get involved in the work in a cooperative way, laboring together in the gospel.  Outwardly, I began to exhort the saints to both personal and corporate evangelism, but inwardly I still battled intensely with fear.  
    It was not until 2007, that the Lord used the biography of a contemporary evangelist serving his Savior under the persecution of Communist China, to really break my heart.  I finally saw my fear and hesitance to share the gospel for what it really was: being ashamed of my Savior, an unwillingness to bear reproach for His name’s sake, and simple disobedience to the clear commands of our Lord.  I repented before the Lord for my disobedience.
    I then sought in earnest to take opportunities for preaching the gospel.  I wrote letters to distant family members and former clients.  I started handing out tracts when I was out in public.  And I prayed. I prayed for boldness… I prayed for opportunities… I prayed for guidance.  Please do not get the wrong impression.  I still often failed to speak when I knew I should have, and all that prayer was needed to keep me going from one encounter to the next.  But I was determined, with God’s help, that I would no longer be a slave to my fear and disobedience.  
    By the beginning of 2008, I was seeking out opportunities to gain experience from others in preaching the gospel.  That summer also saw my partner Justin and  I planning several evangelism outreaches with Grace Fellowship, including our first VBS in many years; distributing thousands of tracts at two local parades; and paint-board preaching from a literature booth at a local fair.
    A two-fold burden was laid on my heart: for the lost, not just in Maine but throughout the United States; and for other local churches where the saints are struggling to do more in obeying the Great Commission, and are seeking help and guidance as I myself had been not so many years ago.  With much prayer, and consultation with our elders, we saw this burden as God’s calling us to this work, and began making preparations.  So, in the fall of 2008, the Lord provided us with a camper for our family to live in, and we put our house in Maine up for sale.  With that, we were commended by our assembly and entered into a full-time traveling ministry, both preaching the gospel and helping assemblies to get established in the work of evangelism.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A song to share- In Christ alone

I just wanted to share this, as I was thinking about it. Christ is the only source of hope, peace, and comfort. We have enjoyed the lyrics and it reminds us of how God's strength got us through losing our son. I am preparing to speak a few times this next month and could use prayer as I prepare to share God's strength and love through the dark times as well as His providence in all things. Enjoy.

"In Christ Alone"
Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Copyright © 2001 Kingsway Thankyou Music

In Christ alone my hope is found;
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all—
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone, Who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save.
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied;
For ev'ry sin on Him was laid—
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow'r of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home—
Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.

CCLI No:3350395.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Richmond, Kentucky surge updates

Greetings from Richmond, Kentucky:
It has been quite a long time and much has happened since our last update. We arrived in Kentucky May 23, actually the wee hours of the morning of the 24th. We had a few troubles along the way on the trip here, but are very happy to be able to see the Lord at work in all things. Small trials and inconveniences have a way of distracting us, but we rejoice in knowing that God is in control and continues to protect, lead, and guide us as we listen to His leading and walk according to His will.
Our new camper and van (2002 E350 12 passenger) have worked out fine and we continue to thank the Lord for all the blessings He has given our family.
The last month has been full of changes. Selling the old camper and truck, then buying our new camper and van was not without its ups and downs, but we waited on the Lord to bring all things together for us, and for His glory. We didn't actually get our van until Friday at 5pm, knowing that we needed to leave by Saturday at 2pm. We are still learning the lessons about patience and God's perfect timing.
Our driving trip to Kentucky, we thought, would be rather uneventful. We planned to arrive about dinner time and meet folks Saturday, then return Sunday for services at Bluegrass Bible Fellowship here in Richmond, Kentucky. Along the way here, in Dayton, Ohio, we lost a tire on the camper. Upon opening the jack storage compartment, we found a jack, but the wrong sized tire iron. I was able to jack it up and get the spare tire ready while Sara flagged down a very nice fellow who let us borrow his properly sized tire wrench(we since bought the right sized one). We changed the tire, thanked our rescuer for his help, and thanked the Lord for keeping us safe while performing this work on the interstate highway(gladly, it was the passenger side tire).
We got back on our way and about 10-20 minutes later, the spare tire also went flat. This time we were in a construction zone and had to move the large hazard cones to get the vehicles out of the way of traffic.Traffic zoomed by at 55mph, nobody slowing down or changing lanes to avoid our vehicle while we scurried to move things and get off the road. Again, we were kept safe as we worked on things there. Looking at our clock, we realized it was about 530 pm, Saturday evening, Memorial day weekend, and that finding a tire, let alone the right tires for our trailer, was going to be difficult. We called for hours, and finally found one place that had the tires, and also could come and replace them on site, mounting them and replacing them on the trailer.
This time was not wasted however, as God put a musician(the man with the tire iron), a police officer, and a tire repairman all in our path that night. I called Justin and expressed my frustration at the delay. He reminded me of the providence of God in all things when he asked me what I was upset about. I told Justin that I wanted to get to Richmond to be able to reach people with the Gospel message. Justin, my ever-faithful accountability partner reminded me that I could do that wherever I was. I was reminded (echoing the dozens of times I had told other this) that I can be a witness wherever I find myself. God put people in our path that night that needed to hear the Gospel and we were faithful and obedient to that calling. You just never know when a door will open to share of the Savior. Praise the Lord for that reminder!
Whether we were stuck on the side of the road or going door to door to share the truth about eternal life through Jesus Christ, it was the same message, and everyone needs to hear it. It was no accident that we got to meet Eric, Mike, and the police officer, and share with them about our Savior. I was reminded again today of that principle when Eric Smith (GNOM team member) and I went to visit a young man to invite him to lunch and speak with him about the Gospel. We arrived at his house and spoke with his step-father for 1/2 hour or more. While that conversation was wrapping up, the young man's brother showed up. We spoke with him for about an hour.
The man we thought we were there to talk to was asleep the whole time we were there, yet God had sent us to this open door. We were reminded that even though we think we are headed one way to do something, often God opens doors for us even when we are not looking. The Lord, in His providence, had set up these appointments for us, knowing that there were hearts open to the Gospel in that home. Eric and I prayed and spoke on the way back to the chapel (some 2 1/2 hours later) about how we need to be sensitive to God's leading. We need to be making opportunities to share the truth of eternal life through the grace of Jesus Christ. We would have missed these Divine appointments had we not been listening to the Spirit's leading, yet God opened the doors into many lives today as His people around the Richmond area (and through obedient believers in many places I will never know about) went our faithfully to share.
Pray with us that God's people will continue to be unified around the cross of Christ, that we will continue to faithfully reach the lost with the good news of eternal life and a personal relationship with the Creator of all things. Also remember in prayer those who we will speak to this week. We pray that God will use us for His glory and to bring others to forgiveness and salvation. There are many laboring here this week, and some will go home soon. Others will be coming for the next few weeks, but all will go home eventually. Pray that the work done here in Richmond continues throughout the world, that the fervency and obedience in preaching the truth will not stop when we disperse, but rather that the fire of revival will spread until Jesus comes. Pray that God gets all the glory and that many new souls will be brought to the Savior.
I am overjoyed at the times we have been able to spend in worship, in study of God's Word, and in meeting other believers. We have been so blessed to spend time with so many that share our love for the Savior, and have enjoyed meeting folks from all over. There are believers here this week from Ireland, Canada, and probably a dozen states in the USA. We have had such a great time being challenged from God's Word and laboring together for the sake of our Lord Jesus. What a privilege it is, as weak and incapable as we are, that God allows us to take part in this reconciliatory work! We surely do not deserve it, but are joyful to be part of God's family. We are truly blessed. Praise God!