Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Preparation for sharing the Gospel

How to Prepare

Get on your knees - every day! Ask God to give you compassion & boldness & zeal for reaching the lost. “Ask and it will be given to you.” God is delighted to give us a heart like His.

Open your Bible - every day! Hunger for His Word. Let Him speak to you, convict you, open your eyes and heart to His thoughts and His ways. Study the words of our Master Teacher in the gospels. Study the sermons preached in Acts. We have a sure guide for this endeavor.

The first 2 lead to this - offer ourselves up as a clean vessel for use by God. The testimony of our lives must match the testimony of our words. Hypocrisy in churches is an oft-quoted objection to Christianity. And sin blocks us from hearing the Holy Spirit’s leading when we desire to witness for Him.

Read biographies of bold, faithful servants of Christ who have gone before. (This isn’t hero worship - we have such a biblical example in Hebrews 11) Go for the classics: Hudson Taylor, George Muller, D.L. Moody, Charles Spurgeon, Charles Stanley, etc. Then remember we might not have the same gifts as these men, but we are indwelt by the same Spirit who empowered them in their lives, and are promised that very same power when we are witnesses.

Get out and start doing it! Grab a friend and go. There’s no teacher like experience.

The order of these is important: do all of them at once!