Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rob Bell- deceiver of many

I have been studying quite a bit lately about Rob Bell and those who share his beliefs. I do not wish to personally attack the man, in fact we should be praying for him. This presentation along with all my other presentations are available upon request. Please take note of the way Scripture is misquoted, misrepresented, and twisted to make it say what Bell wants it to say.
This all goes back to man's desire to not be accountable to God. We all desire our own way and follow after the flesh. Please remember that just because someone speaks "Christianese" they may not be a true believer. Please check out Way of the Master and Ray Comfort's teachings on "True and False Conversion" which you can listen to free on their site.
All pictures were taken from the Poster page at Team Pyro who made all the posters that point out the absurdities of the Emerging Church and its leaders.