Saturday, November 15, 2008

God supplies for His work!

I was discussing with a missionary friend the issue of missionaries raising support. I was also preparing a sermon on Philippians 3:12-16. After writing the whole thing, I decided to open a commentary and see the meaning of a certain phrase. While doing this, I came upon verse 11 of Philippians 4. What is really funny is that I was preaching on chapter 3, not 4, but was led to this verse and didn't realize til afterward that I was on the wrong page. Even when you are in the wrong place, God can use you if you are willing to follow, learn, and admit your mistakes.

In Philippians 4, Paul is talking about being content in every circumstance. He is not complaining
of want or desire, but rather letting us know that we need to be content with whatever God has or has not blessed us with materially. Our promise is not of financial blessing, but of the peace of God which passes all understanding.

We tend to see things from man's point of view, not God's. This missionary will tell you of his many years in missions work, he never asked for a penny, yet always had what he needed. He does not believe, like most do, that God supplying X amount of money in peoples promises means that God is in something. I know, and an honest person would agree, that when we have too much or are too comfortable, we tend to rely on ourselves and thank God(maybe), but not rely on the Lord as much as those times when we are poor, desperate, and crying out to him for rescue.

The quote from Bill MacDonald's commentary on Philippians 4:11: "It is a blessed secret when the believer learns how to carry a high head with an empty stomach, an upright look with empty pockets, a happy heart with an unpaid salary, and joy in God when MEN are faithless" I am not saying that serving the Lord means empty pockets, and poverty. It may, it may not. But, trusting in men rather than God will not produce God's perfect work. 2 Timothy 2:13 "If we are faithless (like men tend to be), He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself" It would be denying the very nature of God to go back on His promises. Our joy is in serving the Lord, not in what we gain from it. His glory and honor are to be what we are seeking.

If God calls you to do something, He will not leave you without the means, the strength, and the resources to do that which He called you to do. Relying on men's promises is tantamount to denying God's ability to provide for His own work. "God's work, done God's way, will never lack God's supply"- Hudson Taylor, missionary to China, and a man of tremendous faith in the calling of God on His life in very specific ways.

I just was thinking about that and wanted to share it with you.

Mark Cowperthwaite