Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We're back

OK, I just wanted to let folks know that we are back from Ohio. We had a great trip, lots to talk about. First, though, I wanted to share the message that I will be preaching this weekend at chapel. The Lord laid it on my heart a while ago, and I didn't know the timing until recently, but now is the time. I will post it on the next blog, it is long, and I welcome questions. If you would like to share this with anyone, feel free. If you would like to hear more of my testimony, let me know. I would love to come and speak wherever God wants me. Be patient, there is a lot going on right now, God is at work(always) and I will explain what I can when I can.

Bear with me where the text of the sermon is geared towards a specific audience. I believe most churches in this nation need to hear it. Pass it on, challenge each other. Seek God to see what you may need to change in your own life. I know I have had to do that in the preparation of this message. May God richly bless as you continue to follow Him.
