Saturday, May 31, 2008

Stephen- courage under fire

Stephen is introduced in Acts 6 as "a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit" and we see him immediately in the fire. He is one who was chosen to lead the group of men sent out to minister in Jerusalem. This work spread rapidly and many priests were even "obedient to the faith" and were saved, washed with the blood of Jesus for their sins.

As we see in the following verses, Stephen was filled with the Holy Spirit, and not the type to keep his faith to himself. He spent his time following in Christ's footsteps, preaching to whoever would listen. This got him thrown in jail, brought before the religious leaders of the day. These priests, who should have been men of God, told people to lie and give false testimony about Stephen so that they would have cause to shut him up. So, what does Stephen do to get a point across? Well, he lays it on them and comes out with both barrels.

Stephen knows that his message is not his own, but directly from God. He is not going to back down. He remembers that Jesus taught how important this message was. This was not just a message that would improve your life. It was indeed a matter of life and death, eternally. Faith in the laws only, and rejection of Jesus was the downfall of this group of religious scholars and leaders. So, Stephen tells them about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David, and the whole history of their nation. They all know the stories, and accept God as supreme, sovereign, and able to judge. His history lesson is all pointing to how God has revealed Himself to them, how all the prophecies point to a Messiah, an anointed one, who would come and offer a finished sacrifice for sin. They refused to see who Jesus was, and instead killed Him, murdered for a crime He did not commit, all fulfilling what the Scriptures said would happen.

Then Stephen shows them the error of their own ways. This is no longer a history lesson, but a personal accusation against the very people who called for Jesus to be crucified, those who concocted the lies about the empty tomb. These were those who felt the earthquakes, saw the dead walking around, the tombs empty, and the veil in the temple rent in two. He also reminds them that they killed the prophets and those who foretold Jesus' coming. This was no quiet sermon or lecture, but a passionate speech proclaiming these men as those guilty of killing their own Messiah. This was a Spirit filled speech that Stephen knew would not be well received. So, did he tone it down to fit the crowd? No, he let them have it with both barrels. We see that there is a time for calculated, convincing sermons, but there is also a time for unbridled, in-your-face truth that may cost you something. Stephen's choice to follow Jesus completely led to his immediate stoning, killed for his faith and his willingness to follow wherever God led him. He followed, knowing the consequences, and still pressed on.

Faith in action, and courage under fire. Stephen is an inspiration, and source of challenge for all of us who are fearful to preach the name of Jesus, thinking more about our own comfort than the torture inflicted on our Savior, who didn't deserve anything but worship. Jesus also laid down His life for us, knowing before His birth the consequence He would have to pay, yet He came anyway. Jesus offered His life for us, while we were dead in our sins. What are we willing to offer Him in return?