Thursday, April 3, 2008

Public education- time to step on some toes again!

The state sponsored religious institution also known
as the "State Church Of Public Education" or SCOPE

A few questions regarding the idea of sending your children off to people you barely know, assuming they will carry out your will in regards to the education of your children. Let’s start with the basics.

What does religion teach?
-hope for the future

Doesn't the public school system teach the same things, but all from the very religious perspectives as the following religious thoughts?
-atheism ( no God in origins, evolution, no difference in man and animal)
-humanism (man is hope for future/ savior or himself)
-relativism( no absolute standards or truth)
-multi-culturalism( all beliefs are equal and equally valid)

Isn't it included in my rights the free exercise of religion to keep my children away from opposing religious beliefs being indoctrinated in my children? What does the freedom of religion and separation of church and state mean if not freedom from a state mandated religious system? Must I even register my children with the state sponsored"State Church of Public Education"?

Is it God's will for Christian parents to hand their responsibility of training their children over to the ungodly? The Bible commands us often to instruct our children in God’s Word, and keep them from evil and false teachers. Does God desire for Christian parents to be "unequally yoked" with godless schools in an attempt to raise Godly children? It is clear in scripture that we are not to be bound together with ungodly people, and it would logically follow that we should not work together with a group that holds true faith in God as the one thing they refuse to be tolerant of.

Does God place a higher priority on academic education or on training in righteousness? Does any Christian believe that children can be properly trained in godliness by the ungodly? Yet many Christians send their children off to be trained in this tainted and deceptive world view that denies God.

Can we teach God's Word to our children diligently, talking about it (Deut 6:7)"when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up" when the spend half of each day's waking hours in an ungodly environment that forbids mention of God or His Word? I think anyone who honestly seeks God’s will in this area will know the obvious answers and is commanded to take charge of the situation for the protection and future of our children.

Allowing your children to continue to be brainwashed by a religious viewpoint that denies God’s very existence is tantamount to handing them over for indoctrination. Do not wait another day, take action today. Take responsibility. God gave your children to you to take care of, teach and instruct in His ways. Every day in a public school takes them further into the pit of lies and deception. They are receiving a mixed message that their parents care about them and live out their faith, yet they send the most precious and susceptible members of our society to the dogs.

How can Christians willingly place their children under the authority of ungodly teachers and school administrators? Every aspect of the state church of public education has stated goals, methods, and core beliefs that directly oppose the tenets of Christian faith, yet Christians send their little ones off to the pit of sin and godless thought and somehow believe that their children are mature, fully trained missionaries ready to assail Satan's greatest stronghold in western society the SCOPE. Most adults are not mature enough in their faith to be able to withstand the brainwashing of a secular work environment. These are adults who should be able to stand up for themselves. How much less is a child able to withstand when they are commanded by their parents to submit to an authority that is working directly against what a Christian family should stand for.

As Peter told the council "We must obey God rather than man" in Acts 5:29, Paul exhorts believer to "be in subjection to the governing authorities" except when the governing authorities contradict God (Rom 13:1) In that case, we fall back on Peter's response in Acts. In scripture, God never directs children to be placed under the authority of the ungodly, nor does He give responsibility for raising Godly children to any besides their parents.

Paul writes in Ephesians 6:4 "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord" Raising children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord is not possible at godless schools by ungodly teachers amidst ungodly peers. Thus the SCOPE provokes children to anger. How much more difficult can it be for a young child than to be told that “mommy and daddy are not trained to be teachers” or “mommy has to go to work”, and seeing your children grow up years later and realize that you were more focused on money, fun, vacations, politics, tv, and everything else than their well being?

I have lived it, and seen it in many that I am close with. You might as well tell the truth that you have chosen not to be obedient to God and trust Him to provide for your family while you take seriously the task of raising children up for God. Confess to them that you would rather go to work then spend time with them. It is nothing more than pure selfishness to go buy a new car, or go on a wonderful vacation, shop for things you don’t need nor will glorify God , spending the money you made while you left your children to the care of someone other than you.

I have run the numbers on minimum wage jobs, and my family lives on less than a single wage earner would make at minimum wage working 40 hours a week. I have 3 kids and a home. We do not go without, and we never have. We give to the Lord and often to things that God shows us we should give to, yet we still have a roof over our heads, clothes to wear, and food on our table. Don’t use the excuse that “it takes 2 incomes to survive nowadays” because I don’t know anyone in this country that just “survives,” On the contrary, most have nice ( or multiple) cars, cable tv, internet, computers, vacations, movie nights, pets, and a host of other things that spend money gained at the expense of raising our children properly. If we need to downsize our home, fine. If we need to skip the vacation, but get to raise our children properly, and do it ourselves, it is worth it. We have many things, and would readily give them up if we had to for the sake of raising our children properly. We have not had to make those choices, but we have already decided what would go first if the need arises. Honestly search what needs to go so that you can keep your kids home.

Another excuse is that “we aren’t educated enough to teach them” and this one bothers me. God blesses us with children, and “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me” means just what it says. It means that if God gives us a task, He will provide what we need to fulfill that task. He never leaves us stranded when we follow after Him and make our lives all about Him. “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” sure makes it clear that if we reach out in faith, believing that we need to follow after His kingdom and His righteousness, then He will take care of the details. The problem is we are so accustomed to living how we want and doing what we please that we disregard what God has told us to do. We are not here on this earth to serve ourselves, but to serve God, the creator, master, and Lord of all creation. Many times we want Jesus as Savior, but not allow Him to be Lord over all.

The Israelites were repeatedly warned against (and punished for) intermarrying with the heathen nations. Why? Because it brings compromise and idolatry into the hearts of God's people. Christians have no partnerships with the ungodly institutions of the world, chief among which is the SCOPE. When Christians submit themselves to its authority, they immediately begin a losing battle of compromise with the world. Christians are called to be "in the world but not of the world" Taking any part in the state sponsored religious indoctrination of children definitely crosses the line into "being of the world."

Belonging to the PTA does not make the SCOPE better. It is flawed and cannot be turned around. All the politics and voting will not change the state of the world. Only when our nation gives themselves over to God will we see any change. I pray that will happen, but our time is not spent wisely trying to convince unsaved politicians of our plans. Unsaved politicians will not work to bring God back into the schools, and it is a waste of time to try when God called us as parents to teach our children, raising them in the truth of God’s Word. It is not their responsibility, but ours alone. Nothing will change unless the nations gets on their knees before an almighty God. That day will come, but from what I read it isn’t going to be through political campaigns or PTA meetings, but Christians taking up the roles that God set forth from the beginning of time, and being obedient in our homes, our marriages, and with our children.

Paul admonishes Christians in Romans 12:2 "do not be conformed to this world". We must not believe the propaganda. These are brainwashing forces at work constantly trying to convince Christians that public schools are necessary, academic achievement is of highest importance, faith can be taught sufficiently on Sunday mornings, children need peer socialization, morality can be
maintained in godless schools, etc. etc. These are lies directly from the father of lies, Satan. They are aimed at the hearts of Christian parents by the SCOPE to control our children. I for one will not stand back and send them on a bus, deluding myself that there is any good to be gained from the public school system.