Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The next generation of Biblical teaching

At the chapel recently, we have been talking about how to study the Bible, and how to put our thoughts on Scripture on paper to share with others. The men of the church were challenged to bring a 10-15 minute devotional this past week for men's group. I shared about the Lord's supper, and it went well. Evidently, someone was listening and today I had opportunity to talk with Nathaniel about it.

Nathaniel is our 12 year old son. He reads his Bible independently, and with the family when we gather for reading after breakfast. He asks good questions and seems to think a lot about what we read. Nathaniel wanted to do his part in the men's meeting, and was wanting to study more about Jonah.

Nathaniel and I talked for a while about the story, and its implications on our lives today. He and I came up with an outline. I helped him put his thoughts into words, but he did most of the work. We then searched the Scripture for the points he wished to express along with comparative passages dealing with the themes from Jonah. I was impressed with the finished product and with his dedication and desire in this undertaking.

As a 12 year old, I know I had no desire to study God's Word thoroughly, and I was not challenged to do so at home, so to see this desire in him is great. As a father, I have to remember that our kids will usually wish to be like us, and that puts the bar ever higher for me to live up to. I need to make sure that, as a father, I am keeping up with the responsibilities of leading our home and teaching our children. Nathaniel will be the first to be able to help me see my need to behave as a father according to what God wants me to do.

Nathaniel will be sharing his outline and his thoughts on Jonah this Sunday, if time permits. Three of us men shared last time we met, and time is limited, but Nathaniel wants to show that he is capable, and desiring to serve God through teaching. He is still young to be leading a group, but the skills and other things he needs to learn will be honed through time and dedication to the Lord. I count it a privilege to be the father of such an intelligent young man with a heart for God.

Now, I just pray that it goes well and he is encouraged. It is courageous of him to speak in front of a group of men that have many years of learning and life over him, but Nathaniel's desire is to serve God and make his Daddy proud. He has already accomplished both, and I can't wait to see how God uses him in the future.
