Sunday, March 30, 2008

The latest news

OK, sorry I have not been on to blog in forever(OK, a week). I went back to work this week and we put in some longer days to get the job done on time. My knees are just about to quit on me, as we have done flooring all week long. I have bad knees as it is, but this week was a killer.
Our 4 year old daughter has also been sick. She had a high temp for a few days and is now getting better, but still not up to speed. The nights have been short and often interrupted, so we hope to catch up on sleep this week.
Now, I have no right to complain, as I know a few people that will read this have had a more hectic week than I did. I was challenged at men's group why I had not been writing, and after considering it more, I enjoy writing and the time spent in the Word, but if preparing for this blog is going to keep me from being the husband, father, and man God wants me to be, then I will not feel bad about choosing. Our family devotions and my personal time with God comes before the internet. Hopefully, I will be better about my scheduling from now on and still be able to write a few times a week while fulfilling the other obligations of my life. So, I am sorry, but not that sorry.
We have Bible study tomorrow night and will be talking about the attributes of God. We will also be opening up for questions. There is a newly married young man that has many questions for us to help him answer from Scripture. Well, that is what we are here for, in part, so we will be using tomorrow to help him with the questions he brings up and then see where we get in the lesson.
I am not one that gets all wound up in following the plan carefully. I would rather have a plan but be willing to scrap it if the need arises. If God is working in the heart of this man or anyone else that attends, I want to help them find the truth from the Word of God. What a privilege and responsibility to have this group. It has been a blessing so far, and we are excited to see how God works through the ministries we work with.
Good News Club on Tuesday was good. We are still praying for more kids, but are enjoying those that come. Sara had our kids and a friends 3 kids on Monday evening, they had a great time and she is looking forward to having them in our home weekly. We are still inviting those we meet to this group. I sent an invitation for the whole family to the family we did the flooring job for, too. They have 2 young ones. It would be great if the carpentry work we do brings more unsaved folks to our little group. Keep praying about that.
Men's group saw a new face this week, as we invited a friend to join us. It is so encouraging to see God working in the hearts of those we have contact with. I see God moving and working every place I go lately. I hope He continues to lead in my life, and that I am obedient to follow wherever that leads. We have a great group and I think there will be great changes bringing us all closer to the Lord from this setting.
So, that is where we are this week. I will write more later, but need to get the kids off to bed and ready for work in the morning. Have a great day, all.
