Monday, March 17, 2008

In case anybody has any bright ideas...

I wanted to let you all know what this little handout looks like. Sort of a personal gospel tract. I don't want to let an opportunity slip, so I incorporated a tract that I wrote into the invitation to Bible study. Those who never come will still have the truth in their hand. I could hand out a tract along with the invite, but figured this would work fine. Often conversations are cut short with people that are in a hurry or at work, so this gives yet another tool for them to learn about the gospel. So, the text of the invite is below with the back side following:

Home Bible study at Mark and Sara’s
We meet on Mondays from 7-8pm
Kids Bible lesson w/snack provided
Whether you are a Christian, or just interested in knowing more about God and the Bible, this study is for you. We would like to get to know you and help you learn more about God from the Bible. Bibles provided free of charge for those who want one.
Directions- call Mark or Sara at 354-8919
From Route 1 Thomaston: turn onto Route 131(oyster river road) at Stubby’s. Go up 131 about 1.1 miles and turn right onto Anderson Road. After 100 yards, turn left onto Cedar drive,
we are the 4th house on the left.
From Route 90, Warren: turn onto Route 131 (oyster river road) follow 2.2 miles. Take a left onto Anderson Road. After 100 yards, turn left onto Cedar Drive, we are the 4th house on the left.

The text on the back is as follows:

Man is separated from God by sin. Sin is anything we do that is against God’s laws. We cannot get to God because God cannot allow sin in His presence. Only Jesus Christ, God’s son, was perfect and could bridge the gap between us and God. If we believe that Jesus paid for our sins and repent (turn away from our sin) He will forgive us and allow us to live with Him in heaven for eternity. If you have done this and want to learn more, Read your Bible daily and pray. For more information, visit
The back also has these pictures, which I tried to link together, but didn't work on blogger. On the invite it looks a bit neater than this.

So, I just thought I would share that. If you are interested in using the actual format for your own Bible study, let me know and I will send you the actual file. Until next time, keep sharing the gospel with those you meet. May the Lord richly bless you in His service.
