Saturday, January 5, 2008

Suggestions welcome!

I have been playing around with all the settings and trying to get AdSense working on the blog, so let me know if any of the changes you see are repulsive. Comments on the repulsiveness of my face are not allowed, thank you very much. There are some things a computer can never fix.
With all the things going through my head tonight, it is amazing that I can even type. Sara has left it to me to take care of everything technological in nature, which means that when the computer doesn't do exactly as we wish, I have to get out the rubber hammer and persuade it to do as I command. They say that computers are only as smart as the operator, but if the recent operation of this aging wonder is any indication of my intellect, I may need to redo Kindergarten.
Ah, all is well that ends well. The chores for the day are done, and we are getting ready for worship at the chapel tomorrow. We do quite a bit of work on Saturday so that we can just relax and go to church and not have to worry about laundry or any other work. We can take the whole day to marvel in all God has done for us. Sunday is no doubt my favorite day of the week.
I look forward to the encouragement and challenges that I will no doubt see in the services tomorrow. God has really been teaching me a lot lately and I just hope that I continue to learn at the feet of the Master. The blessings of God are truly new every morning, and great is the faithfulness of our Lord.
