Friday, January 4, 2008

A first run

It only seems proper to start with an introduction to life here in Warren, Maine.

My name is Mark Cowperthwaite. I live here in our home with my wife Sara, son Nathaniel(11), and daughters Virginia(4) and Naomi(9 months). We live on just shy of 1 acre of land and are attempting to be as self sufficient as possible with our meager accomodations.

We have a small, ever growing flock of laying hens. We also have a pet rabbit, who lives in the chicken coop above the heads of the chickens. We raise meat breeds of chickens organically, in a large fenced in area where they are free to roam and pick bugs, living as naturally as we can make it for them.
This coming spring we plan to expand and have a few sheep that we will raise for meat. When the pasture (read "lawn") is capable of proper production, we will be raising a beef critter for the warm months and butchering late fall.

I am a carpenter by trade. Here in Maine, the work this time of year is exclusively indoors. Thus, we have some time on our hands. I am enjoying spending time with the children and my wife at home. I am a firm believer that men work entirely too much. I was caught up in the trap of making more and more money for years. I was a workaholic and my health suffered the consequences of that lifestyle. After being afflicted with a seizure disorder for the last 7 years, I have learned a lot about myself and what it is I truly want out of life. I now work a couple days a week, earning enough to support our family and pay all the bills while giving to the local church and helping support missionaries. I have found that we can own a home, have a new truck, and eat organic food, all on less than 20k a year. In fact, we could do with a lot less.

God has truly supplied all our needs. We have never frozen out of the house, gone hungry, or been without, even though most folks would consider us poor and underprivileged. We are rich in blessings, with 3 healthy children and a wonderful marriage.

I will write more later. I hope this short introduction gives you insight into what will be coming.

Mark Cowperthwaite