Thursday, January 17, 2008

Considering getting chicks soon, we got the bug!!

I was considering getting some more chickies. We really enjoy having them and I have had no luck finding started pullets that the shipping costs are not ridiculous on. Now I am just looking for some good stock. I usually use Ideal or Mt Healthy hatcheries. I avoid Murray McMurray for more than 1 issue, but really like Ideal. I have some Rhode Island Reds now and would like to have some new Plymouth or Barred Rocks and maybe some Easter Eggers. Might as well have some fun with new breeds while we are at it, and the cool colors of eggs really freak people out. They think they are dyed or something. I read on the internet that brown chickens lay brown eggs, and white chickens lay white eggs. What color chicken do they think lay green eggs, I wonder! Guess that just goes to show you can't trust everything you read online. Hope you have a great day.
